A mockumentary series that resurrect the only 3 episodes of the series “Ai Ai Let's See with Gonçalo Almeida”, produced by the infamous host himself, before his disappearance.
An aspiring poet consumed by guilt and loss, loses himself in melancholic and deeply profund thought through the wilderness, only to find something he didn't expect.
An aspiring poet consumed by guilt and loss, loses himself in melancholic and deeply profund thought through the wilderness, only to find something he didn't expect.
A documentary about Iguana Garcia, a Lisbon musician, where we get to know João, the man behind the name, who embodies one of the most promising growing musicians in the world of Portuguese national music. In a personal and intimate phone call, we get to know him without barriers and all his history to this day.
An inactive swim coach follows an enigmatic blind man who will help her overcome a past that haunts her and prevents her from practicing her profession.