2011년 3월 11일에 역사상 가장 큰 지진이 일본을 강타했다. 30분 후 검은 쓰나미가 해안을 덮쳐 차와 집, 사람들을 바닷속으로 내몰았다. 영화를 통해 우리는 잃어버린 아내를 찾으려 100번도 넘게 다이빙하는 남자, 실종된 남편에게 아직도 편지를 쓰는 사치코, 쓰나미의 트라우마에서 벗어나지 못한 사토코를 만난다. 이들은 바다 건너 하와이 카호올라웨섬에서 쓰나미의 잔재를 청소하기 위해 모인 자원봉사자들과 연결된다.
Director of Photography
Birgitta Dahl was involved in pushing through several of the gender equality reforms that we take for granted today: day care for all, general parental insurance, a ban on child custody and a ban on rape within marriage.
Director of Photography
A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950’s, Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?
Camera Operator
1973년 여름, 다섯 명의 남성과 여섯 명의 여성은 소형보트 ‘아칼리’에 몸을 싣고, 장장 101일에 걸쳐 대서양을 가로지르는 해양과학모험을 떠난다. 멕시코 인류학자 산티아고 헤노베스가 처음 착수한 이 실험은 폭력의 근원과 성적 매력의 역학관계를 탐구하기 위한 것이다. 보트에 오른 열한 명의 사람들은 전세계에서 엄격한 기준을 거쳐 선발되었는데, 특히 피실험자의 종교와 성별, 국적을 다양하게 유지하여 선상에서의 갈등을 극대화하고자 하였다.
Director of Photography
Erin escapes from a brothel. Desperate for money she cheats her way into a job at a nursing home but ends up stealing cash and going on the run, kidnapping one of the patients in the process. But Erin's frantic escape gradually turns into an inspirational and revealing road trip due to the unconventional relationship which develops between her and her kidnap victim, a seventy-year-old man.
Director of Photography
Although she dreamed of a career in opera, the French Ambassador's wife now lives a restrained life in opulent seclusion in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
An existential sugar shock which takes us on a fun, candy-filled roller-coaster ride between cruel violence and extreme cuteness - which prove to be disturbingly close together.
Director of Photography
The working class girl from Landala, Gothenburg, through the fine art of theatre and all the way to Hollywood.
Director of Photography
A series of short films directed by Martin Falck divided into seven parts for Fever Ray's second studio album Plunge.
Director of Photography
A group of young women from Ouagadougou study at a girl school to become auto mechanics. The classmates become their port of safety, joy and sisterhood, all while they are going through the life changing transition into becoming adults in a country boiling with political changes. In a country with youth unemployment at 52 percent, jobs are a hot issue. The young girls at a mechanics school in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou are right in the middle of a crucial point in life when their dreams, hopes and courage are confronted with opinions, fears and society’s expectations of what a woman should be. Using interesting narrative solutions, Theresa Traore Dahlberg depicts their last school years and at the same time succeeds in showing the country’s violent past and present. This is a feature-film debut and coming-of-age film with much warmth, laughs, heartbreak and depth.
The traditional crafts of crochet and knitting have become one of the hottest movements in modern art. We follow a few International artists and knitters as they bring yarn to the streets and into our lives in new ways. Starting in Iceland, this quirky and thought-provoking film takes us on a colourful and global journey as we discover how yarn connects us all.
Director of Photography
Markus is in an institution for young sex offenders. He is a shy boy whose face tells wordless stories. There is no physical proximity at the institution, so the inmates wrestle. It is a place where skinlessness quivers in the air. Markus's only friend in the institution is the wayward, violent Tobias. Markus's trial approaches, and then Tobias will find out why Markus has been locked up.
Reba is 14 and she lives with her family in Dhaka. Often on her way to school she is being followed or harassed by groups of boys who shout after her. It's part of everyday life in Bangladesh for young girls. In Reba's school class four girls have already been forced to marry and only one of the girls married out of love. Reba's family might have to marry her off too if they can't afford her education. Her mother wants her to continues her studies and get the education that wasn't possible for her. Reba wants that too. Reading in the papers about the acid attacks and rapes that are happening to women on the streets scare her, but she won't give up.
Reba is 14 and she lives with her family in Dhaka. Often on her way to school she is being followed or harassed by groups of boys who shout after her. It's part of everyday life in Bangladesh for young girls. In Reba's school class four girls have already been forced to marry and only one of the girls married out of love. Reba's family might have to marry her off too if they can't afford her education. Her mother wants her to continues her studies and get the education that wasn't possible for her. Reba wants that too. Reading in the papers about the acid attacks and rapes that are happening to women on the streets scare her, but she won't give up.
Director of Photography
Nothing is Left to Tell is the title of both a film and social experiment. In the summer of 2010, Almborg and a group of eleven strangers of varying ages and backgrounds traveled to a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Sweden. Their mission was to collaboratively build a wooden structure without plans or blueprints and while on the island they would not communicate using spoken or written language. Three individuals in the group were responsible for documenting the process, however, their task was similarly governed by rules: they could film no more than 30 minutes of activity per day. The resulting film explores the limits of language and the relationship between communication and community.
Director of Photography