Black Hole is about being paralyzed in life and the courage and strength it takes to break free. Paul is offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to work as an intern for the United Nations. Plagued by his mothers terminal illness he abandons his dream to relocate to New York and instead continues to take care of her during this difficult time. The inevitability of his mothers condition causes Paul to increasingly lose the ability to go his own way. Feelings of guilt, despair and fear dominate his decisions. Powerless to detach himself from his mother he almost sacrifices his long term relationship with his girlfriend Sarah. Eventually, through an unsparing confrontation with Sarah and a profound spiritual experience Paul can break free and regains his ability to live.
눈발이 아름답게 흩뿌려지고 있는 깊은 밤, 그와 그녀는 격정적인 사랑을 나누고 있다. 그들의 어린 아들은 잠에서 깨어나 열린 창가로 쏟아지는 눈을 바라보다 창 밖으로 추락하고 만다. 아들을 잃은 그녀는 깊은 슬픔과 자책감으로 점점 병들어 가고 그는 그녀를 구원하기 위해 그들의 '에덴'으로 함께 떠난다. 그러나 그녀는 점점 더 혼란스러워지고, 현대판 아담과 이브의 성기가 소용돌이 친다.