The Buck
Cash is trying to live an honest and quiet life, but when Big Cat forces him back into her services, he proves capable of anything to protect the town and the only family he has left.
H.T. Palmer
개인이 마약을 하든 뭘 하든 국가의 통제는 억압이라 생각하는 상위 1% 비합법적 천재 ‘로스’. 뛰어난 두뇌와 치밀한 계획으로 비트코인을 이용해 흔적 없이 마약 쿨거래가 가능한 다크 웹사이트 ‘실크로드’를 만든다. ‘실크로드’로 돈맛을 알고 세상을 향한 X를 날렸다고 생각한 바로 그 순간, 정체불명 누군가가 말을 걸어오는데…
After graduating from college, 21-year-old Bridget moves to a new town with her best friend Lindsay. Desperately needing a job to support her budding writing career, she takes a job as an Executive Assistant to business tycoon Anthony Gloss. The salary is eye-watering and the perks keep on coming, but she will soon learn that a life of luxury can come at a deadly price.
Charmed by Hollywood's brightest stars, Olivia Bolton agrees to become Ava Von Richter's surrogate. But behind the lies and the dark of Ava and her husband makes her realize that she and her unborn child are in undeniable danger.
Intrusive Thoughts starring Kenneth Miller, Larry Cedar, and Kristen DeVore Rakes. A young woman tortured by jealousy is waiting for her husband to return from work, while holding on to her last bit of sanity.
Voice #2
Intrusive Thoughts starring Kenneth Miller, Larry Cedar, and Kristen DeVore Rakes. A young woman tortured by jealousy is waiting for her husband to return from work, while holding on to her last bit of sanity.
Sean Misner
미국 애리조나 주 일대에서 역사상 최악의 재난으로 기록되는 초대형 산불이 발생한다. 8.1평방 킬로미터, 축구장 일천백여 개 크기가 넘는 지역을 불태우는데.. 자칫 마을로 번지면 수많은 인명피해가 올 수 있는 상황! 이 현장에 최정예 엘리트 소방관 핫샷 멤버들이 출동하게 되는데.. 불과 당신 사이 마지막 마지노선. 아직 희망은 있다!
James Fawcett
Years ago, heartbroken and officially separated from her husband, Caroline briefly turned to the arms of another man. It was only one small indiscretion - a brief affair, forgotten after she and her husband reunited. But beautiful Elle, daughter of Caroline's lover, hasn't forgotten. She rents a guesthouse from Caroline, her husband, and teenage son with one purpose: to destroy their lives the way Elle thinks Caroline destroyed hers.
Associate Producer
A young woman wakes up and finds a photo of herself sleeping on her phone, she lives alone.
When a night's escapade takes a disturbing turn for two teen girls, we learn just how disconnected and desensitized social media has made them.
제거 대상은 ‘빈 라덴’, 작전명은 ‘제로니모’!
인류 역사상 가장 악명 높은 테러리스트를 사살하라!
전 세계가 궁금했던 그 날이 실시간 생중계 된다!