The true story of how Dave Fishwick, a working class man and self-made millionaire, fought to set up a community bank so that he could help the local businesses of Burnley not only survive, but thrive. In his bid to help his beloved community, he has to take on the elitist financial institutions of London and fight to receive the first, new banking license to be issued in over 100 years.
1940년, 독일공군에 전패를 당한 영국은 외인 파일럿들로 303 전투비행중대를 만든다. 무시당하던 그들은 공중전에서 백전백승을 거두고 독일은 모든 전투기와 공습기로 총공격을 감행한다. 드디어 2차 세계대전의 운명을 가를 ‘영국 본토 항공전’이 시작되는데… 최초의 전투기 전면전을 목격하라!
Leonardo Da Vinci
With fascinating facts and big laughs, this spoof edition of Dragons' Den travels through time as great (and not so great) inventors from history pitch their ingenious ideas.
Life through the eyes of an addict.