Eduardo Negrete

참여 작품

Two tormented people are trapped in a creepy parking lot, forced to change internally, otherwise they will never be able to get out.
Simbionte 3
Pelayo goes through life trying to direct reality as if it was the shooting of a movie, which is why he goes from one public place to another in this task. People react in crescendo to Pelayo with increasingly convincing results for him.
10대 남녀 친구들이 외진 캠핑장을 찾아 야영을 하던 중, 두 남학생이 우연히 알몸으로 수영하는 같은학교 여학생 로미나를 성폭행 하게 되고, 로미나의 잔혹한 복수가 이어지는 공포물
A shy and feeble architect is victim of a violent and abusing surrounding. The pressure builds up until he is pushed to the limit of his own humanity.
You Will Know What to Do With Me
각자 내면에 버거운 문제를 간직한 사진작가 니콜라스와 불가사의한 여인 이사벨이 만나 급작스럽고 격렬한 사랑에 빠져든다.