Jessica Leigh Johnson

참여 작품

Scorpions & Frogs
A young woman, engaged to be married, suddenly commits suicide two days after her father does, leaving no note and no reasons.Her heartbroken fiancee is left with the task of writing the obituary for a woman he finds he does not know.Joey's mother Eleanor, the aristocratic matriarch leads Joey's fiancee on a wild goose chase of both her daughter and her family's history. Each of Joey's siblings agrees to speak with Joey's finacee, and proceeds to contradict and reveal each other's stories, secrets, and motives.Through the course of these interviews John glimpses the life Joey hid from him, and for all he comes to know, it is Eleanor who, as always, has the last word. And what began as a story about a father and his daughter's bond, ends as a story of mother's betrayal of her daughter.
In New York City during a drug party in the late 1960s, a wannabe Warhol starlet named "Ann" becomes a legend when her murder is caught on home movie. Chelsea, August of 1969,a slumming Southern Belle and her two visiting sorority friends are throwing a party in the hope that Andy Warhol will make an appearance.
The Dead Life
Former Andy Warhol star Ivy Nicholson make an exclusive statement about life on stage and in the gutter.
모나리자 스마일
Art History Student (uncredited)
새학기를 맞는 희망으로 부푼 가을 캠퍼스. 자유로운 캘리포니아를 떠나 뉴잉글랜드의 명문 웰슬리에 새로운 미술사 교수로 오게 된 캐서린 왓슨(줄리아 로버츠) 역시 기대감에 들떠있지만, 보수적인 분위기에 젖어있는 학생들은 캐서린의 자유분방한 사고방식을 반길 마음은 털끝만큼도 없다. 미모와는 달리 냉정하기 짝이 없는 베티(커스틴 던스트), 똑똑함에서 둘째 가라면 서러울 조안(줄리아 스타일스), 프리섹스 물결에 빠진 지젤(매기 질렌홀), 자신이 연주하는 첼로의 아름다운 선율과는 달리 연애에는 쑥맥인 콘스탄스 역시 마찬가지. 하지만 결혼만이 여자 인생의 최고목표가 아니라는 캐서린의 자유롭고 진취적인 주장은 정물화 같던 그녀들에게 차츰 추상화의 생동감을 깃들게 하는데...