Jonas Forsman

Jonas Forsman

프로필 사진

Jonas Forsman

참여 작품

GroM wakes up one morning to find that his mouth is stuck in a sour face. He, who wants to be happy and smile. His friend LobO comes visiting and together they embark on a journey to find a GroM's smile. They try with a circus visit and with magic potions, but it only makes things worse. Will GroM ever Smile again?
GroM wakes up one morning to find that his mouth is stuck in a sour face. He, who wants to be happy and smile. His friend LobO comes visiting and together they embark on a journey to find a GroM's smile. They try with a circus visit and with magic potions, but it only makes things worse. Will GroM ever Smile again?
GroM wakes up one morning to find that his mouth is stuck in a sour face. He, who wants to be happy and smile. His friend LobO comes visiting and together they embark on a journey to find a GroM's smile. They try with a circus visit and with magic potions, but it only makes things worse. Will GroM ever Smile again?
Robot and the Whale
Robots avoid water. One drop is enough to cause a short circuit or rust, and that can be fatal for a robot. But even robots are willing to risk their lives if they find a beached whale and there is no help in sight…
Robot and the Whale
Robots avoid water. One drop is enough to cause a short circuit or rust, and that can be fatal for a robot. But even robots are willing to risk their lives if they find a beached whale and there is no help in sight…
Robot and the Whale
Robots avoid water. One drop is enough to cause a short circuit or rust, and that can be fatal for a robot. But even robots are willing to risk their lives if they find a beached whale and there is no help in sight…
In Sagoland, you will find fantastic stories. We follow the moonwolves on their adventurous attempts to get to the moon; a sad circus princess who succeeds in catching and closing in the night; and we meet a robot, even though it's just a machine yet it cares about everything that lives, and therefore put its life to danger to save a stranded whale. Sagoland is a warm, fun and thoughtful experience for children.
몬스터 왕국
Lead Animator
토끼나라에는 꼬마 토끼 토토와 엄마, 아빠가 행복하게 살고 있었어요. 어느 날, 거대한 몬스터 페더킹이 엄마를 데리고 가버리고 토토는 엄마를 구하기 위해 몬스터 왕국으로 떠났어요. 그런데 페더킹이 동굴에 갇히고, 빌 아저씨가 규칙을 바꾸면서 몬스터 왕국에는 점점 이상한 일들이 생기기 시작했어요. 과연, 토토는 몬스터 왕국을 지키고, 엄마를 찾을 수 있을까요?