이라크 파병으로 인한 후유증으로 부대 복귀가 불가능한 특수부대 출신 미군 ‘잭슨’. 어느 날 그의 동료의 사망소식을 듣고, 그의 군견 ‘룰루’를 2400km나 떨어진 그의 장례식장에 데려가면 복직을 추천해주겠다는 상관의 제안을 받는다. 잭슨은 이를 수락하지만, 룰루 또한 이미 전투 후유증으로 사나운 사고뭉치가 되어 있었다. 잭슨과 룰루는 서로에 대한 마음도 열지 못한 채 둘만의 여정을 떠나게 되는데…
Features Kevin White, Aramis Hudson, Zach Saraceno, Nico Hiraga, and Olan Prenatt skating, having fun, and getting into all of the hijinks that we’ve come to expect from the Civ.
For many young people, summer in the suburbs is its own little universe. During this precious chunk of time off from school, adults are often out of sight, even further out of mind, and friends become the most important people on the planet. As you skate, swim, or chill through the days, there’s the opportunity of getting to know your pals — and yourself — better than ever.
The second episode of Illegal Civilization's Summer of '17 moves away from a story of romantic love and instead moves to the love and tension of friendship, keeping with the themes of turmoil and familiarity presented in episode one. This time the films opens with a search for a lost wallet, the morning after a party. But as the film progresses it is clear that the search has heavier implications than just searching for some lost cash.