Mark Yang

Mark Yang

프로필 사진

Mark Yang

참여 작품

퍼시픽 림: 업라이징
Conceptual Design
전 세계를 초토화시켰던 전쟁 이후, 지구 종말의 위기가 다시 찾아온다. 더 강렬하게 진화한 적들의 공격이 인류의 재앙을 불러오고 최정예 파일럿과 업그레이드 된 거대 로봇 예거 군단은 사상 최대의 반격을 시작한다. 하지만 아무도 예상치 못했던 또 다른 적의 등장으로 인류는 전대미문의 위기에 봉착하게 되는데...
Conceptual Design
On a post-apocalyptic Earth, Leila Dawn (Natalie Floyd), is the only human survivor. Raised by Robots after humanity abandoned the planet they destroyed with nuclear warfare, Leila cannot forget her parents nor ignore her yearning to find other organic life. A hunt she sets out on with Swat Team robot, Marker (Lex Cassar), leads Leila to discover a human disguised as Robot, Ray (Jake Lyall), and the reality she's been denied-a reality that sparks her ultimate quest. PLUG is a short film from acclaimed science-fiction film art director, David Levy (Tron Legacy, Prometheus, Enders Game, Tomorrow Land). It is the first installment of Levy's yet to be produced epic series/feature, which follows Leila on her quest to reunite with humanity and the impossible choices she must make about her allegiances - Human or Robot.