The story follows teenage music nerd Landon (played by Roman Banks) as he collaborates with his best friend Paige (played by Sri Ramesh) on a TikTok song inspired by her favorite book series. Landon’s TikTok goes viral, thrusting him into the spotlight — and leaving Paige behind. When a producer offers Landon the opportunity to adapt the book series into a musical, Landon discovers that the glory of doing it all himself isn’t worth the stress and enlists the help of Paige and the TikTok community to turn the show into a huge success. For You Paige was influenced by TikTok culture and features many references to TikTok trends and communities. The development and production processes were documented on TikTok by creator Daniel Mertzluff, along with the show’s cast and crew. The musical premiered live at a theater in New York City on April 14, 2022.
13살의 소년 네이트는 브로드웨이의 스타가 되려는 큰 꿈을 가지고 있다. 하지만 학교 연극 오디션에서 떨어지게 되고, 가장 친한 친구 리비와 함께 몰래 뉴욕으로 향하게 된다. 그곳에서 오랫동안 만나지 못했던 이모 하이디와 우연히 마주치며 인생의 모험이 자신의 꿈에서 시작된다는 것을 알게 된다.
When Varthur McArthur, the artistic director of a failing theater in Duluth, invites his troupe of disgruntled actors and collaborators to the first read of an “immersive murder mystery dinner party,” no one knew that he would be the victim. Or did they? Enter eager, determined, and untested Detective Justine Case. After sequestering the guests into separate rooms (because, you know, social-distancing), she gets down to finding out whodunnit, uncovering secret affairs, life-long grudges, backstage drama, and a lot of musical theater song and dance. Sifting through lies and red herrings and a truly baffling murder mystery script left by the deceased, Case vows to find the truth and secure her future as a great detective.
뉴욕주 올버니에 위치한 퍼스트 리폼드 교회는 한때 개혁 교회였지만 지금은 신도들이 잘 찾지 않는 지역 관광지가 됐다. 이곳에서 일하는 톨러 목사는 자신의 생각을 솔직하게 기록하기 위해 자신의 하루를 털어놓을 수 있는 일기를 쓰기로 한다. 컴퓨터가 아닌 펜으로 써서 수정하거나 지운 흔적까지 남김없이 기록하겠다는 것이 그의 생각이다. 어느 날 신도 메리가 찾아와 말할 수 없는 근심이 가득한 표정으로 환경보호단체에서 활동하다가 감옥에서 복역 후 출소한 남편 마이클을 만나달라는 간청을 하는데...
16-year-old Mikey Alvarez finds himself at a pivotal moment where he must decide whether or not to be open and honest about what he is feeling inside. Not feeling quite ready for such a moment, Mikey unwittingly conjures courage from a trio of guides who appear in an explosion of glitter and glitz. Can a Drag Queen, an international pop star and an action film heartthrob tackle a mission this big and give Mikey the confidence he needs?