Two kids play a game with their sadistic older cousin and awaken a cruel entity knows as "The Skarrow."
Two kids play a game with their sadistic older cousin and awaken a cruel entity knows as "The Skarrow."
When Victoria and her friends discover an app that kills you, they accidentally unleash something truly evil...
Second Unit Director
세계에서 가장 위험한 도시로 납치된 의뢰인의 아들을 구하기 위해 전직 특수부대 출신 용병이 거대 범죄 조직에 맞서 벌이는 리얼 액션 구출극.
Executive Producer
세계에서 가장 위험한 도시로 납치된 의뢰인의 아들을 구하기 위해 전직 특수부대 출신 용병이 거대 범죄 조직에 맞서 벌이는 리얼 액션 구출극.
Associate Producer
어벤져스의 패배 이후 지구는 초토화됐고 남은 절반의 사람들은 정신적 고통을 호소하며 하루하루를 근근이 버텨나간다. 와칸다에서 싸우다 생존한 히어로들과 우주의 타이탄 행성에서 싸우다 생존한 히어로들이 뿔뿔이 흩어졌는데, 아이언맨과 네뷸라는 우주를 떠돌고 있고 지구에 남아 있는 어벤져스 멤버들은 닉 퓨리가 마지막에 신호를 보내다 만 송신기만 들여다보며 혹시 모를 우주의 응답을 기다리는 중이다. 애초 히어로의 삶을 잠시 내려놓고 가족과 시간을 보내던 호크아이 역시 헤아릴 수 없는 마음의 상처를 입은 채 사라지고 마는데...
A modern day ghost story set against the horrors of war in the Middle East.
A dark comedy that takes place in suburban America. Doug has landed his dream gig - he is about to join the Venture Scouts (a Boy-Scout-like organization) as a Troop Leader. He is taking over for his childhood mentor, Jerry, the former leader of Venture Scout Troop 544 who has been offered a plush job at the Venture Scout National Headquarters. The film takes place over the course of a day, as Jerry shows Doug the ropes before his initiation ceremony. An old, corrupt regime is leaving with a new one taking over - but not without conflict first. It is a story of power, corruption, and morality.
A dark comedy that takes place in suburban America. Doug has landed his dream gig - he is about to join the Venture Scouts (a Boy-Scout-like organization) as a Troop Leader. He is taking over for his childhood mentor, Jerry, the former leader of Venture Scout Troop 544 who has been offered a plush job at the Venture Scout National Headquarters. The film takes place over the course of a day, as Jerry shows Doug the ropes before his initiation ceremony. An old, corrupt regime is leaving with a new one taking over - but not without conflict first. It is a story of power, corruption, and morality.
A dark comedy that takes place in suburban America. Doug has landed his dream gig - he is about to join the Venture Scouts (a Boy-Scout-like organization) as a Troop Leader. He is taking over for his childhood mentor, Jerry, the former leader of Venture Scout Troop 544 who has been offered a plush job at the Venture Scout National Headquarters. The film takes place over the course of a day, as Jerry shows Doug the ropes before his initiation ceremony. An old, corrupt regime is leaving with a new one taking over - but not without conflict first. It is a story of power, corruption, and morality.