Seeking refuge on an island in Upstate New York, a married couple's final attempt to salvage their failing relationship takes a turn for the worse when the husband begins to regress emotionally, mentally, and physically.
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3대째 농부인 퍼시는 특허받은 종자를 사용한 혐의로 대기업으로부터 소송을 한다. 법적 투쟁을 벌이기 위해, 떠오르는 변호사 잭슨 위버, 환경 운동가 레베카 살카우와 힘을 합쳐 거대기업에 맞서는데..
Piper Jansen is a slick public relations genius and owner of her own company "Piper's Picks." After creating countless successful campaigns, she decides to use her grandmother's holiday recipes to write and launch a book of her own but, suddenly finds herself in the middle of a very public scandal that threatens the launch of the book as well as her business.
In 1974, President Ford ordered the evacuation of Boston, OH. Theories as to why included the cover up of a mutation-causing chemical spill; extreme paranormal activity; and Boston being taken over by a satanic cult. But what really happened in Helltown?