Pang Yunong

참여 작품

요리의 신
Tang Mo is driven down to the mortal world by the God of Heaven and becomes a chef in a stall. One day, a mysterious old man invites him to participate in the "Top Chef Competition", promising him a prize of 5 billion dollars. During the competition, Tang Mo's amazing culinary talent attracts the attention of the public, but this also brings about the death of his rival from a gangster background
제폭: 범죄와의 전쟁
Ao Zi
1990년, 강력계 형사 중청이 극악무도한 무장 강도 '독수리파’를 쫓으며 장쑨과의 악연이 시작된다. 고도의 훈련을 받은 조직원으로 구성된 ‘독수리파’는 창푸성 전역을 누비며 연쇄 강도 살인 사건을 저지르지만, 경찰은 조직의 우두머리 장쑨을 번번이 놓치고 만다. 중청은 동료를 하나 둘 잃어가지만 외로운 싸움에도 지치지 않고 4년 동안 끈질기게 장쑨의 뒤를 쫓는데…
The Guide To Farewell
Liang Huan
The three people who were being rescued from a car accident hallucinated back to the day before the incident and re-examined their lives.
Wang Nan, a young mother who lost children because of abduction and trafficking of children in an ordinary town, went deep into the traffickers' organization to find daughters and little fish. At the same time, the local police, Huo Yan, also obtained many criminal clues about many trafficking cases.
Out of the Ashes
Love Beautiful Macau