Lionel Halflants

참여 작품

Boom Operator
‘아르키’란 알제리 전쟁 기간 중 프랑스 군에 입대해 활동했던 알제리인을 지칭한다. 군으로서 일정한 직위 없이 마을을 방어하던 무장 단체는 어느 날 프랑스 장교에게 알제리 민족해방전선과(FLN) 맞서 싸우라는 명을 받는다.
Boom Operator
After a traumatic accident during a hypnosis seance, young psychiatrist Louise opens a new office in the middle of nowhere. When she starts analyzing Theo, a dark and mysterious man, people around her start to die.
씨 피버
Boom Operator
해양생물의 행동 패턴을 연구하는 ‘시본’은 실습을 위해 어선 ‘니브 킨 오이르’호에 승선한다. 더 큰 수확을 얻기 위해 접근 금지 수역에 진입한 ‘니브 킨 오이르’호는 심해에 서식하던 미지의 생명체와 마주한다. 그 이후부터 선원들 사이에서 열병이 퍼지며 하나둘씩 죽음을 맞기 시작하는데…
Being Napoleon
Production Sound Mixer
As over 6,000 immaculately dressed military re-enactors, men and women, gather for the 200th anniversary of the epic Battle of Waterloo, some of them representing real individuals from the time, whether ‘humble foot-soldiers’, ‘officers’ or the great ‘Marshal Ney.’ who is unfortunately less adapt at horsemanship than the original, the real battle is taking place elsewhere: American Mark Schneider, considered the best Napoleon in the business, vs. Frenchman Frank Samson, uniform-maker extraordinaire, as to who will be Emperor on the day. There was only one Napoleon, there can be only one Napoleon, but the Belgians are in charge, unrest is growing in the ranks, there is an outstanding prison sentence to be served, an unpaid bill for parking to which the ‘Empress Josephine’ also has something to say, and as to who meets their Waterloo first, you’ll just have to watch.