Yancey Arias

Yancey Arias

출생 : 1971-06-27, New York City, New York, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Yancey Arias (born June 27, 1971) is an American actor, perhaps most noted for his work on television crime dramas, particularly his roles as Miguel Cadena in the NBC series Kingpin and as Gabriel Williams in the FX series Thief. Description above from the Wikipedia article Yancey Arias, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

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Yancey Arias

참여 작품

North of the 10
The story of five friends struggling to succeed in Chicago's entertainment industry while one of them pursues an international romance with a wealthy young heiress.
13 미니츠
As a new day begins in the small American town of Minninnewah, the residents start their day as ordinary as the next. Mother Nature, however, has other plans for them. Inhabitants have just 13 minutes to seek shelter before the largest tornado on record ravages the town, leaving them struggling to protect their loved ones and fighting for their lives. Left to deal with the aftermath, four families must overcome their differences and find strength in each other in order to survive.
Switched Before Birth
Gabe Ramirez
Switched Before Birth follows Olivia Crawford and her husband Brian, who after multiple miscarriages, numerous failed IVF trials and stretching themselves to the limit financially, finally receive the joyous news that she’s pregnant with twins. While going through her latest round of IVF, Oliva meets and becomes fast friends with Anna Ramirez, who is struggling to have a child after years of focusing on her successful restaurants. When Anna becomes pregnant as well, the ladies celebrate and begin to prepare for their babies. Olivia is also there for Anna when she suffers a devastating miscarriage and struggles to move forward while her marriage to restaurateur Gabe Ramirez crumbles. When Olivia and Brian finally welcome their twins Olivia’s life feels complete, but the happy couple’s world is turned upside down when they discover that not only are the babies not twins, but one of the babies is also biologically Anna and Gabe’s that was implanted into Olivia by mistake.
100일의 사냥
Jack Byers
구원자를 자처하며 자살경험자들을 가스라이팅한 후 납치하고 살해한 연쇄살인범을 추적하는 과정을 다룬 영상물
Bottom of the 9th
Bobby Stano had everything going for him. Fresh out of high school, he was signed to the majors, had a beautiful girlfriend, everything was looking up. That is, until he and his friends get into a fight with a neighboring gang. The confrontation results in an accidental fatality and quickly changes Bobby's life forever. He's found guilty of murder and locked in prison for the next thirteen years. When Bobby is released, he's faced with a vilified reputation, a relationship to rekindle and a new life to find.
Canal Street
DJ Wado
A Chicago lawyer embraces his undying faith when his teenage son is accused of murdering a classmate.
Bella's Story
Young Bella lives in a bad situation and wants to go to college to become a journalist. From tragic beginnings this young girl finds a way to realize her dreams but not with out facing some very hard truths.
The Journey Ahead
A 2018 English language drama film directed by Luis Enrique Rodríguez, starring Cristina Soler, Yancey Arias and Bianca Marroquin.
Secrets of Deception
Detective Reyes
After a man discovers his young wife is cheating on him with a neighborhood boy, he goes down a dangerous path of revenge & destruction.
Restored Me
Roger Escalante
A troubled ex-con joins the colorful crew of an old movie theater and begins to rebuild his life, only to find his faith in God tested when he learns the theater he has grown to love is not what it seems.
핸즈 오브 스톤
Benny Huertas
'주먹 하나로 세계 정상에 선 ‘로베르토 듀란’ 28승 무패 24 KO, 연승 행진을 이어가던 ‘로베르토 듀란’ 앞에 전설적인 복서 트레이너 ‘레이 아르셀’이 나타난다. “링의 주인이 되면 그 곳은 너의 성전이 될 거야!” 전략 없이 주먹만 날리던 망나니 ‘로베르토 듀란’에게 ‘레이 아르셀’은 완벽한 멘토, 그 이상이 된다. 세계 정상급 선수로 선 ‘로베르토 듀란’의 다음 목표는 미국의 자존심 ‘슈거 레이’. 치열한 접전 끝에 챔피언 벨트를 차지한 그는 파나마의 영웅이 된다. “No Mas! 그만!” 그러나 ‘슈거 레이’와의 재경기 중 갑자기 경기를 포기하는 ‘로베르토 듀란’. 정상에서 추락한 ‘로베르토 듀란’, 절망한 그의 트레이너 ‘레이 아르셀’.
Billy is the self-designated leader of a group of teenagers living in a shelter. Jacob and Rae, Billy's oldest childhood friends, live there as well as part of "the family". Billy has an AIDs-like virus, which he has passed on to his blood brother Jacob. Billy and Rae are boyfriend and girlfriend, much to the dismay of Jacob who has always loved Rae from afar. Billy's philosophy of life, and how that interfaces with having a deadly virus, comes to a head when Billy and Jacob compete in a very unique game of "Tag", with the future of Rae and "the family" dependent upon the outcome.
세자르 차베스
Gilbert Padilla
A biography of the civil-rights activist and labor organizer Cesar Chavez. Chronicling the birth of a modern American labour movement, Cesar Chavez tells the story of the famed civil rights leader and labour organiser torn between his duties as a husband and father and his commitment to securing a living wage for farm workers. Passionate but soft-spoken, Chavez embraced non-violence as he battled greed and prejudice in his struggle to bring dignity to working people.
Latinos Beyond Reel
Filmmakers Miguel Picker and Chyng Sun explore and analyze the stereotypical portrayal of Latinos in U.S. news and media.
América, a 30-year-old mother who lives in a remote Caribbean village, suffers the hardest hit when her lover takes her daughter from her. Fury and fear push her to run away. In her new life as a nanny in New York City, with support from relatives and other latinas, América finds comfort and hope. When she dares to dream of a life without violence, reality hunts her down. Will she survive to tell her story?
틱킹 클락
Ed Beker
A reporter stumbles upon the journal of a murderer with plans to butcher specific girls, and he begins to investigates on his own, and finding that every trail leads to a 9-year-old orphan living in a group home.
A documentary film crew runs afoul of sadistic radicals when they follow illegal immigrants sneaking over the U.S. border.
12월 23일 새벽 1시 2분 로스엔젤레스에 한 남자가 떨어진다. 그리고 그를 추척하는 또하나의 천사 가브리엘. 인간에 대해 신뢰를 잃고 노한 하나님이 천사 군단을 보내 인류 말살을 명령했지만 천사들의 대장격인 미카엘은 아직 인간에게 희망이 있다고 보고 혼자서 인간들을 도우러 온다. 미국 뉴멕시코주의 작은 식당 ‘파라다이스 폴스(Paradise Falls)’. 식당주인 밥의 아들 짐은 웨이트리스 찰리를 사랑하고, 찰리는 이미 다른 남자의 아이를 임신중이다. 밥은 이런 찰리와 아들이 맘에 들지 않는다. 정체불명의 돌풍이 불고 식당을 찾은 한 노인은 사람들에게 욕설을 퍼부으며 찰리에게 아기가 죽을 것이라고 말한다. 식당 안의 사람들이 합심해 할머니를 간신히 제압하고 난 후 미카엘이 그들 앞에 나타난다. 그를 경계하는 식당 안의 사람들에게 자신의 임무는 찰리의 뱃속에 든 아이를 지키는 것이라고 말하는 미카엘. 대천사 가브리엘이 이끄는 천사 군단으로부터 찰리를 보호하기 위해 미카엘은 자신의 모든 것을 거는데...
에너미 라인스 3
Alvaro Cardona
2001년에 제작되었던 "에너미 라인스"의 3번째 시리즈로 콜롬비아에서 비밀작전을 수행하던 특수부대요원들이 콜럼비아 군인들이 파놓은 함정에 걸려 부상을 당하거나 죽게 된다. 부상당해 인질로 잡혀간 동료들을 구해서 적진을 탈출하기 위한 군인들의 사투를 그린 영화.
The Deadliest Lesson
A gang of violent teenagers uses detention class to get revenge on the teacher who identified a friend as the gunman in a deadly shooting.
다이 하드 4.0
Agent Johnson
7월 4일 미국의 독립기념일, 해킹 용의자 매튜 패럴을 FBI본부로 호송하던 존 맥클레인은 괴한들의 총격을 받고 가까스로 목숨을 건진다. 정부 전산망을 파괴해 미국을 장악하려는 전 정부요원 토마스 가브리엘이 자신의 계획을 저지할 가능성이 있는 모든 해커들을 죽이는 동시에 미국의 네트워크를 공격하기 시작한 것. 천신만고 끝에 목숨을 건졌지만 미국의 교통,통신,금융,전기 등 모든 네트워크가 테러리스트의 손아귀에 들어가고, 미국은 공황상태에 빠진다. 테러리스트를 막기 위한 숨막히는 추격전을 벌이는 가운데, 가브리엘이 맥클레인의 딸 루시를 인질로 잡고 마는데...
Panfilo Crisostomo
Walkout is the true story of a young Mexican American high school teacher, Sal Castro. He mentors a group of students in East Los Angeles, when the students decide to stage a peaceful walkout to protest the injustices of the public school system. Set against the background of the civil rights movement of 1968, it is a story of courage and the fight for justice and empowerment.
타임 머신
알렉산더 하트겐(가이 피어스 분)은 시간 여행이 가능하다고 믿는 과학자이자 발명가. 사랑하는 약혼녀 엠마를 잃고 4년간 세상과 격리된 채, 과거를 바꾸기 위해 필사적으로 타임머신 개발에 매달리게 된다. 이런 알렉산더를 옆에서 안타깝게 지켜보는 두 사람이 있으니, 그 하나는 알렉산더의 친구 필비이고 또 한 명은 가정부인 와칫부인이다. 결국 천신만고 끝에 타임머신을 완성하여 과거로 돌아간 알렉산더. 그러나 알렉산더는 과거는 결코 변하지 않는다는 무서운 교훈을 깨닫게 된다. 다시 돌아간 과거에서도 사랑스러운 엠마는 알렉산더 앞에서 운명을 달리한다. 그는 미래엔 해답이 있을 것으로 확신하고, 다시 타임머신을 타고 2030년 미래로 향한다.그곳에서 만난 복스는 다름아닌 상상 이상의 엄청난 자료를 보유하고 있는 수퍼 컴퓨터. 촌철살인의 유머와 인류역사의 모든 지식을 담고 있는 복스와의 만남은 알렉산더에게 더 많은 의문만을 남겨준다. 아무런 해답도 얻지 못한 채 현실로 복귀하려던 알렉산더는 무려 80만년 후의 미래로 던져지는데. 그곳에는 빛의 종족 엘로이족과 어둠의 종족 머록족이 대치하고 있다. 머록족은 엘로이족을 사냥하러 지하세계에서 나타나는 끔찍한 괴물들. 이들은 수세기 동안의 진화를 거쳐 스파이와 사냥꾼이라는 두 계급으로 분화된 채 우버 머록(제레미 아이언스 분)이라는 인간을 닮은 독재자의 지배를 받게 된다. 알렉산더는 우여곡절 끝에 이 싸움에 휘말려 생사를 넘나드는 모험을 겪게 되는데.
Seeking retribution for the accidental death of his family, a wealthy businessman dealing in illegal arms smuggling attempts to destroy one of America's most treasured symbols: the Statue of Liberty
Blade Squad
This futuristic action-thriller is set in a world in which police officers wear heavy body armor and get around on especially designed in-line skates. The story centers on the cop's attempts to take down a murderous crime lord.
Dead Men Can't Dance
To stamp out the threat of nuclear war, a special ops team must travel to North Korea to carry out a covert mission to destroy a nuclear power plant. Everything does not go as planned. Their communications are cut off and they must remember their survival training to get them through.
Destination Unknown
Destination Unknown is a tale of cousins chasing their dreams on the streets of Jackson Heights, NY. Pepe and Rico are on a path that teases them with success but drags them to a vicious reality. Pepe struggles to escape his violent and sordid world by up-scaling his position from gypsy-cab driver to limousine chauffeur. In order to make fast cash his friend Jerry talks him into becoming a bag-man for a local gangster. Rico is a young aspiring actor in hot pursuit of glory despite the formidable odds. He falls for Marisol, a beautiful neighbor, and as their relationship intensifies he discovers more about her than he is prepared for.
Criminal Justice
Raymond Alvarez
A knife-scarred victim must identify her assailant beyond a reasonable doubt. Meanwhile the accused is offered a deal if he pleads guilty. Is he as innocent as the victim? Is the justice system guiltier than both?
Fireflies at El Mozote
Col. Montenegro
During the 1980s civil war in El Salvador, a rebel group of leftist guerrillas fight to expose its government's death squads via an underground radio network and hope to end their government's reign of terror with the help of an American journalist.