천 년 후, ‘라그나로크’의 전설에 나오는 ‘오딘의 눈’의 암호를 찾게 된 고대유물학자 시거드 일행은 암호를 풀게 되고 바이킹이 남긴 흔적을 찾아 핀마크의 의문의 장소로 모험을 떠나게 된다. 하지만 그들을 기다리고 있는 것은 바이킹이 남긴 유물만이 아니였다. 신나는 여름 휴가를 기대했던 시거드의 딸과 아들은 세상 어디서도 경험할 수 없는 믿기 힘든 일들을 겪으며 그곳에서 탈출하기 위해 고군분투하게 된다.
A documentary showing how much pupils in a class at a school close to the Kings castle has common, even if they are of different background and personality, coming from all over the world.
13-year old Rikke sees Bea, the new girl in her class, as a challenge. After an endurance test to find which of them can lie longer in a circle of flames, they become friends. However, as a result of some unfortunate truths and half-truths, the friendship falters. Rikke feels that Bea has let her down, and resolves to continue the rivalry between them, but now in a less physical, more artful way. In addition we meet Rikke's elder sister Ninni, who has been in England to learn the language, and has had to leave her great love, a man twelve years her senior. The film is also about the problems Rikke encounters in fulfilling the expectations of those around her as she approaches womanhood.