A group of girls from a humble little town in the middle of the desert disappears systematically without the police or the authorities taking action on the matter. Families desperately seek help, but are faced with bureaucracy, discrimination and total abandonment.
한 남자 앞에 자살한 아내가 다시 나타난다. 죽은 영혼은 침대 아래, 테이블 밑 등 모든 곳에서 그를 따라다닌다. 남자는 그녀를 점점 닮아가는데, 관객들은 점차 그가 단 한번도 결혼하지 않았다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 그의 예민함은 극에 달하고 이야기는 정신 분열적으로 이어진다.
For five years Rogelio, a Chilean exile, has been in the GDR, where he works as a lighting technician at a theater. Though his colleagues try to make him feel welcome, he feels lonely and isolated.
A brutal sexual murder of a minor revolts the anger of the town. On the other hand, a psychologist, Sofia Belmar is not only shocked by the event, but this also brings back some of her more gruesome memories.