몸과 마음을 바쳐 주를 섬기는 신부 브램은 어느 날 한 음성을 듣고 신의 계시를 받았다고 주장한다. 그를 위해 내조하는 아내 사라는 그와 함께 하나님의 일을 행하고자 하지만 점점 변해가는 남편을 보며 걱정이 앞선다. 신의 계시임을 주장하는 브램과 그에 대한 의심이 싹트는 아내는 음성의 진실을 찾아 나선다.
Lifetime Movie is a sequel to their 2009 film NATALEE HOLLOWAY and picks up in 2010 on the five-year anniversary of her death. Beth Holloway (Tracy Pollan) is still trying to find out what happened to her daughter when the already strange case takes another turn when Joran Van Der Sloot (Stephen Amell) is arrested for murdering another girl. If you've followed this case like I have then there's not going to be any new twists or turns in this film but then again that was pretty much true for the first one. I was a little surprised to see how well-made this thing was and there's no question that it's a better movie than the 2009 one but at the same time there are a few too many flaws to really call this a good picture.