Shinsuke Wada

참여 작품

Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Giko Awakens
Line Producer
There is a schoolgirl who carries her own personal chainsaw. She was attacked by a dead body who was created by her classmate one day. As such, she does not understand why she was attacked by a classmate. To find the answer she ventures into the enemy's base. There she finds out the reason for the assault.
언제나 달밤에 쌀밥
어느날 갑자기 어머니가 실종되어 도쿄에서 니가타로 돌아온 선술집의 여주인으로 일하게된 여고생 '치요리'가 사랑과 일에 분투하는 모습을 그린 영화