Laura Dinnett

참여 작품

Free Period
Director of Photography
A Glaswegian standoff between a schoolgirl and a tampon machine. When schoolgirl Leanne can’t afford a sanitary pad she lines her underwear with toilet paper and ends up bleeding in front of her class during a presentation. Leanne overcomes this humiliation with a shocking act of rebellion - against a bully, a teacher, and against the stigma which acts as a barrier to her needs.
레일웨이 맨
Camera Trainee
2차 세계대전 참전 용사이자 철도 애호가인 에릭 로맥스는 어느 날 열차에서 우연히 만난 패티라는 여인과 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 결혼에 성공한다. 그러나 행복도 잠시 전쟁의 후유증이 그를 괴롭히는데, 이에 패티는 그를 도와주기 위해 참전용사 핀레이를 찾아가 에릭의 충격적인 과거를 듣게 된다. 바로 전쟁 도중 에릭이 일본군의 포로가 되어 끔찍한 고문과 구타를 당한 것. 결국 핀레이는 힘들어하는 에릭에게 그를 고문했던 헌병대 장교 나가세의 행적을 알려주며, 복수를 종용하는데….
포 도즈 인 페릴
Second Assistant Camera
Aaron, a young misfit living in a remote Scottish fishing community, is the lone survivor of a strange fishing accident that claimed the lives of five men including his older brother. Spurred on by sea-going folklore and local superstition, the village blames Aaron for this tragedy, making him an outcast amongst his own people. Steadfastly refusing to believe that his brother has died, he sets out to recover him and the rest of men.
Director of Photography
Inspired by true events, Kotti is a short comedy about a bunch of misfits whose fight for justice captured the hearts of the nation. It is a story of unlikely friendships and the power of community to triumph over prejudice and oppression.