Ad van Kempen

Ad van Kempen

출생 : 1944-07-12,

프로필 사진

Ad van Kempen

참여 작품

Lion Panther She-Wolf
A man wakes up lost in a dark place in the middle of the journey of his life.
Something About Alex
A teenager struggling with his gender attempts to reconcile with his identity.
Sjaaks vrouw is dood dus hij moet iets zeggen
Master Spy
De broer van Henk
Tim’s parents start a hotel business on the coast. Their dream comes true, but Tim is less excited. Moving, a new school, new friends, hopefully: he is not sure what to expect. Next, he discovers a frozen man in the basement. When he comes to, it turns out to be a spy who had a thrilling adventure there thirty years ago. Together, they try to find out what happened back then, while new mysteries keep piling up.
The Hero
Mr. Rijnders
After Sara Silverstein suddenly finds herself involved in a series of violent attacks she realizes she needs to unravel her father’s past in order to neutralize this threat.
Meneer de Wit
실화를 바탕으로 한 이 영화에서는 2차 대전 중, 숨어 있는 유대인들을 갈취하고 수백 명을 죽음의 수용소로 팔아넘긴 네덜란드의 전범, 안드레스 리파겐의 일생을 다룬다.
Old Wounds
Tragicomedy about sixty year old housewife Joanna who shows her true colors for the first time in her life when she is confronted by her daughter Isabel with her shortcomings as a person and a mother.
혀가 잘려 말을 하지 못하는 리즈가 조산사로 일하고 있는 황무지 마을에 새로 목사가 부임하고, 그녀는 긴장한다. 강렬한 카리스마를 선보이는 목사의 얼굴에는 깊은 칼자국이 있다. 리즈를 천형과 같이 따라다니는 그는 과거 자신의 얼굴에 칼자국을 남긴 그녀를 찾아 응징을 위해 이 황무지까지 찾아왔고, 지옥과 같은 잔혹함으로 끊임없이 그녀를 고통스럽게 한다. 자신과 사랑하는 딸을 지키기 위해 리즈는 최선을 다하고, 그녀의 기개와 용기 그리고 살아남고자 하는 강한 생존본능은 그녀를 피해자가 아닌 생존자로 만든다. 리즈는 더 이상 위협 앞에 두려워하는 어린 소녀가 아니라 놀랄 만한 용기로 자신과 자신의 딸을 지키기 위해 더 나은 삶을 요구하며 자신 앞에 끝임없이 나타나는 악마 같은 잔혹함과 맞선다.
In Your Name
A perfectly happy couple believe they live their dream when they expect their first child. That dream is shattered when the child dies, leaving them to cope with their loss, their environment, and ultimately themselves.
Secrets of War
Mr. Witteman
Tuur and Lambert are best friends. But the war is closing in and is about to change their lives forever. Tuurs dad joined the resistance and even his big brother seems so be part of it. Lamberts family on the other hand choose to obey the Germans. Then a new girls from the city shows up, befriending the boys but telling her secret to only one of them. A choice that separates the boys and ultimately gets her in trouble.
Never Too Old
When Marius retires, his son drops his father in a home for the elderly. Marius has too much energy to accept the rules of the institute's management. Marius and other oldies lock horns with management.
De Club van Sinterklaas & Het Geheim van de Speelgoeddokter
Mr. Hendriksen
Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.
New Kids Turbo
Five friends from 'Maaskantje' are getting fired because of the economic crisis. They decide that they won't pay for anything anymore.
전시의 겨울
2차대전이 거의 끝나가던 무렵, 13세의 미하엘은 부상당한 영국 군인을 도와준 것을 계기로 레지스탕스에 가담하게 된다. 전쟁이 끝나고 점차 성장해 가면서 미하엘은 상상 속의 모험과 전쟁의 추악한 실태간에 어마어마한 차이가 있음을 깨닫게 된다.
Happy Family
Thijs is a ripe-age Dutch tomato grower. His adult daughters plan to have him move in a skyscraper-flat, leaving home and professional life, but he takes his adolescent (half-)Moroccon grandson Omar's advice to refuse and keep living. Thijs even lets the cheerful rascal coach his love-life, which lands him on a blind date with Jacky, an energetic Flemish woman, who won't take no for an answer but turns up at his door-step till he consents, and soon drags him into evening life, preparing for a dance contest. Soon after Omar turns up, listless and lazier then ever, runaway from school and home. The obvious reason for the horny hound's hanging head is a girl: Mergal is foxy, Turkish and as smitten as he, but her burly big brother Erhan will only allow a boy to go steady with her who has proven himself his better on the field in the traditional manly sport of oil-wrestling. Now Thijs...
The Stowaway
Orazbaz, who lives in Uzbek, longs to leave his tiny fishing village. He becomes a stowaway on a ship thinking that he will end up in Manhattan. Instead he ends up in Rotterdam and is taken in by a lonely woman, but he is eventually betrayed by her jealous husband.
Sarah, 30, single, well educated, likes art, places a voice ad for phone sex, inviting replies from men under 35, sturdy and sensual. Wilbert, a chubby middle aged architect, leaves a message that he is Thomas, 32 and well formed. A week later, she phones. She likes his voice, he likes her laugh, so once a week she phones him (he's not to know her last name, where she lives, or her number). Portraits emerge of humor and sadness. He presses for details of her life and tells her about his work; she wants these Thursday calls to be fantasy and release, separate from the rest of who she is. The film dramatizes these tensions of lies and truth, connection and distance. Written by
De klop op de deur
As years pass, the Craets-Goldeweyn family must cope with the disappearance of the familiar and the inescapable new that imposes itself.