Frederik de Groot

Frederik de Groot

프로필 사진

Frederik de Groot

참여 작품

The Way to Paradise
Najib, a young Moroccan born in The Netherlands, has just graduated from law school and aspires to get his master's degree. Because his older brother is being arrested for criminal activities, Najib is now required to take care of his family overnight. Events are jostling in his life. He abandons his studies and fails to meet the needs on his own. Being on the verge of despair, he is approached by Brahim who offers him help. The latter will exploit the of vulnerability and finally convinces him to fight the "holy war".
Sinterklaas en het uur van de waarheid
Inspecteur Jankers
When something bad happens at Aunt Til's exposition, the Sinterklaas fest seems to end once and for all. A series of terrible events is set in motion, which treatens to free the evil Dr. Brein and her accomplices.
The Little Riders
Father Hugo
Young American Joanne Hunter is stranded in the German-occupied Holland with her Dutch grandparents. The German CO, Captain Kessel begins to wage war on the village's morale, and Joanne's house must quarter another German officer, Lt. Braun, who finds himself torn between his duty and distaste of Kessel's methods. When Kessel threatens the lead statues of 16th-century freedom fighters in the town clock, Joanne and her grandparents rally the villagers to save Kirkendam's "little riders".
Ava & Gabriel: A Love Story
Pieter van Knippenveld
Set in Curacao in the 1940s, Ava & Gabriel: A Love Story tells of the painter Gabriel Goedbloed, who arrives from Holland to paint a mural of the Virgin Mary in a local church. Gabriel is black, originally from Surinam. The colonial Antillian society proves less than tolerant towards him, especially after he chooses as his model a young Black teacher, Ava
The Care of Time
A thriller directed by John Davies.
Tim Devon was born out of wedlock and that his mother never told his father about him. Overwhelmed, Tim leaves Los Angeles in search of his father-armed with only a name and the city of Amsterdam as clues. When funds run out, Tim begins the downward spiral into a life of crime and drug use. He is encountered by a single caring person.
침묵에 대한 의문
마를린 호리스 감독의 데뷔작으로 남녀 관계에 대한 비관적인 시선을 견지하고 있는 작품. 옷가게 남자주인공을 살해한 세 명의 여성을 통해 가부장제에 대한 여성의 분노를 파괴적으로 보여준 작품으로 평가 되고 있다. 어느날 암스텔담에 있는 옷가게에서 살인사건이 일어난다. 범인은 세 여자. 하지만 그들은 그 날 우연히 그 가게에 들른 생면부지의 주부, 이혼녀, 독신녀이다. 사건을 맡은 경찰은 살해동기를 알 수 없는 이 사건의 해결을 위해 심리학자에게 이 세 여인들의 정상여부를 의뢰한다. 심리학자의 조사에 따라 플래쉬 백으로 그 날 옷가게 안에서 있었던 사건들이 보여지는데 그것을 살인자체를 축으로 일상생활에서 여성들에게 가해지는 남성의 억압을 여러가지 모티브를 통해 보여준다. 영화에서는 이 세 여성들이 극히 평범한 여성들이며 오히려 남성들을 철저하게 비웃고 있다. 독신녀는 매춘부로 오인하는 신사, 주부를 단순히 온순한 여인이라 규정하고 집안에서 하는 일 없다고 단언하는 그녀의 남편, 아내의 일에 개입하여 적당히 앞가림이나 하려하는 심리학자의 남편, 그리고 법정에서 세 여성이 한 남자를 살인하는 것과 세 남성이 한 여성을 살인하는 것을 비교하는 검사……. 남성 중심의 법정을 비웃는 여성들의 연대를 보여주는 결말은 침묵의 무게를 깨뜨리는 폭로의 웃음으로 기능함으로써 영화가 끝난 후에도 오랫동안 반향을 불러 일으킨다.
Te gek om los te lopen
Patients in a psychiatric clinic are placed in a special home in the city, where they have access to the outside world. Another change to their previous situation is the fact that two female patients come to live with them.
The Forbidden Bacchanal
Evert Toebosch
Film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Simon Vestdijk from 1968. During a dinner with the Van der Laan family, memories are reminisced about previous parties that ended in orgy-like scenes.
Fatal Error
Simon Cardozo
Detectives Grijpstra and De Gier are sent to investigate the case of a man who apparently hanged himself in a center for oriental meditation. It is ruled as suicide and the case seems to be closed, but the same night there is an attempted break in. The investigation hits a dead end and everyone involved is a suspect. Based on the book "The Corpse in the Haarlemmer Houttuinen” by Jan-Willem van de Wetering.
Pastorale 1943
Johan Schultz
In a Dutch village during the German occupation, a small group of badly organized resistance fighters attempt to assassinate a collaborator.
Muren van Behang