Peter Kutin

참여 작품

ROTOЯ | Sonic Body
"ROTOЯ | Sonic Body" by artist collective NO1 is a physically intense perception cinema and phenomenological study. At visual and acoustic levels, the video confronts the fundamental categories of movement, time, and space.
ROTOЯ | Sonic Body
Original Concept
"ROTOЯ | Sonic Body" by artist collective NO1 is a physically intense perception cinema and phenomenological study. At visual and acoustic levels, the video confronts the fundamental categories of movement, time, and space.
ROTOЯ | Sonic Body
"ROTOЯ | Sonic Body" by artist collective NO1 is a physically intense perception cinema and phenomenological study. At visual and acoustic levels, the video confronts the fundamental categories of movement, time, and space.
더 트러블 위드 빙 본
Original Music Composer
Elli is an android and lives with a man she calls her father. Together they drift through the summer. During the day they swim in the pool and at night he takes her to bed. She shares his memories and anything else he programs her to recall. Memories that mean everything to him but nothing to her. Yet, one night she sets off into the woods following a fading echo… The story of a machine and the ghosts we all carry within us.
더 트러블 위드 빙 본
Sound Designer
Elli is an android and lives with a man she calls her father. Together they drift through the summer. During the day they swim in the pool and at night he takes her to bed. She shares his memories and anything else he programs her to recall. Memories that mean everything to him but nothing to her. Yet, one night she sets off into the woods following a fading echo… The story of a machine and the ghosts we all carry within us.
It has to be lived once and dreamed twice
In the sixth great mass mortality of the earth, humankind became extinct. Their technology had recently progressed so far as to deconstruct the algorithms of evolution and allow artificial life to develop on Earth.
웨폰 오브 초이스
가장 대중적인 권총으로 자리 잡은 글록. 미국과 중동 등 전 세계에 퍼진 이 권총의 영향력을 알아본다. 전례 없는 성공을 둘러싼 정치 역학부터 그 이면의 그림자까지. 판매자와 소유자를 두루 인터뷰하며 글록의 진면을 파헤친다.
Over the Years
Sound Designer
Taking the demise of a textile factory in Austria’s Waldviertel region as its starting point, with the antiquated manufacturing plant initially shown in full operation, this film poses the question of what work means for people’s self-image and character. After the factory goes bankrupt and closes, the filmmaker accompanies some of its employees as they continue to make their way, questioning them about their daily routines, the circumstances in which they live, about looking for work or the new jobs they find. One woman’s situation is precarious, but that doesn’t prevent her from bringing up her grandchildren. Another woman works here and there, flexible and resourceful. One man blossoms visibly in his newly unemployed state. Bit by bit, different aspects of their private lives and personal misfortunes emerge.