Frédéric Auburtin

Frédéric Auburtin

출생 : 1962-06-04, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France


Frédéric Auburtin (born 4 June 1962) is a French director, writer, actor and producer. Frédéric Auburtin was born and grew up in Marseille, where he studied music (piano, drums) and literature before turning to the cinema in the early 80s. He made his debut as an assistant director in the film Rouge midi, directed by Robert Guédiguian. In the 80s and 90s he worked as an assistant director in several movies and with several directors, including Maurice Pialat (Under the Sun of Satan), Luigi Comencini (La Bohème), Richard Heffron (La Révolution française), Bertrand Blier (Merci la vie), Jean-Jacques Annaud (The Lover), Claude Berri (Germinal and Lucie Aubrac), Jean-Paul Rappeneau (The Horseman on the Roof) and Randall Wallace (The Man in the Iron Mask). In 1999, he debuted as a director, co-directing Un pont entre deux rives with Gérard Depardieu, for which he also composed the soundtrack. During the 2000s he keep directing mostly for television, but also directed movies, including San-Antonio (2004) and Envoyés très spéciaux (2009). In 2006, he co-directed (again with Depardieu) the segment "Quartier Latin", written and starred by Gena Rowlands with Ben Gazzara and Gérard Depardieu, in the highly acclaimed movie Paris, je t'aime. In 2014, he became widely known for directing the infamous movie United Passions. The film recounts the origins of the world-governing body of association football, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, and was ninety-percent funded by them. Released in North America at the peak of the scandals of the 2015 FIFA corruption case, the film grossed very badly in the box-office (a mere $918 in its opening weekend) and received overwhelming dislike from critics around the world. It's now considered one of the worst movies ever made and all the actors and Auburtin himself considered the film a "disaster". Source: Article "Frédéric Auburtin" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

프로필 사진

Frédéric Auburtin

참여 작품

Stars 80 : La Suite
유나이티드 패션즈
FIFA의 110년 역사를 다룬 프랑스 영화.
유나이티드 패션즈
FIFA의 110년 역사를 다룬 프랑스 영화.
Special Correspondents
R2I, a famous news radio station, sends its best reporting duo to Iraq: Frank, journalist, and Poussin, sound engineer. Very quickly, millions of listeners follow their highly documented stories, reflecting the hot intensity of the fighting and the difficult survival of the population.
La vie à une
When she asks for a divorce, Elisa knows she's losing everything that made her daily life during ten years of marriage. The worst is that she may lose her children, claimed by her husband. She had only few months to rebuild. Find a job. Prove to the judge she can hold her family... A rebuilding that leads her to push her own limits, to put herself in danger, to learn how to trust people again and to discover a new herself... and, eventually, to fall in love again.
사랑해, 파리
아멜리에의 프로듀서가 전세계 최고의 감독 20명과 찍은 18편의 옴니버스 영화로, 파리를 배경으로 한 18가지의 색다른 사랑 이야기를 담고 있다. 5분의 제한 시간 안에서 펼쳐지는 이야기들의 한가지 공통점은 바로 '사랑의 도시, 파리'라는 주제이다. 각각의 감독들은 이 주제를 받아들이고 자신들만의 개성을 듬뿍 담은 작품들을 탄생시켰다. 마치 를 연상시키는 내레이션으로 연결된 18편의 짧은 영화들은 파리를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 갖가지 훈훈한 사랑의 기운을 전달하고 있다. 파리 시내 20개 구 중 한 곳을 골라 최소한의 비용으로 5분 동안 사랑이야기를 찍기. 에 참여한 20명의 감독에게 주어진 공통조건이었다. 몽마르트 언덕, 에펠탑, 차이나타운, 마레, 센 강변 등 파리 곳곳을 배경으로, 현대 파리의 일상과 주인공들의 천차만별 사랑, 그리고 세계 곳곳의 감독들이 파리에 보내는 사랑이 함께 어우러진다. 감독들 각자의 개성과 세계적인 스타들의 모습이 몽타주된 감미로운 영화.
A version of Ben Johnson's play: A Venetian swindler goes from town to town pretending to be a dying millionaire in order to attract (and dispose of) greedy "friends".
San Antonio
While a terrorist epidemy strikes the world leaders, the commissaire San-Antonio and his partner, the lieutenant Bérurier, have to escort the French ambassador in a British hotel. But after a negligence of Bérurier (one more little sex affair...), San-Antonio witnessed, helpless, to the ambassador's abduction, organized by a gorgeous Italian girl. Back to Paris, San-Antonio is dismissed by the police chief, Achille Hachille. A real godsend for Bérurier, who get promoted... But soon, the situation degenerates, when the president of the Republic mysteriously disappears. Immediate reaction from Police Minister : San-Antonio is the only one who can save the day. He has 48 hours and a secret squad to find the president. At the Elysée, San-Antonio finds Bérurier, the official investigator. But now, it's every man for himself : who will be the first to find the President ?
연못 위의 다리
Actor Gerard Depardieu co-directed this drama about a married woman who falls in love with another man. Mina is a movie buff with a husband, Georges, who's out of work, and a 15-year-old son, Tommy. While Mina works part-time as a domestic for Claire Daboval, the family is terribly short on money, so when Georges is offered construction work on a massive bridge project, he immediately accepts, even though the job site is far enough away that he'll only be able to come home on weekends. One day, while taking in a matinee screening of West Side Story, Mina meets a man named Matthias, an engineer associated with the bridge project. It's love at first sight for the both of them, and while Mina has no desire to hurt Georges, who is a good and decent man, she has found another good and decent man whom she loves even more. Tommy, on the other hand, has to deal with this crisis in his parents' marriage while he's sorting out his own infatuation with Ms. Daboval's daughter, Lisbeth.
The Secret of Polichinelle
After a New Year's Eve party, 30-year-old fashion designer Rebecca (Nathalie Schmidt) awakens alone in a strange automobile. Later, during a routine visit to her gynecologist, she learns that she's pregnant. Unable to recall anyone responsible, she attempts to find the father as she treks through Paris streets, quizzes her girlfriends, and visits a Belgian detective. With few leads, her search drags on for months.
지붕 위의 기병
Assistant Director
1832년 콜레라가 프랑스 프로방스에 퍼져 많은 사람이 죽어갔다. 오스트리아의 침략으로 나라를 잃은 이탈리아인들은 프랑스 인근을 중심으로 독립 운동을 벌이고 있었다. 기병대장 앙젤로는 군자금을 모으기 위해 프랑스에 있는 쥬세페를 찾아가는 도중 오스트리아 기병들에게 쫓기게 되었고 한 저택의 지붕에 숨어있다 어느 저택으로 숨는다. 그곳에서 저택의 주인인 폴린을 만났고 그녀의 도움으로 무사히 고비를 넘긴다. 그 후 앙젤로는 지원금을 전하기 위해 이탈리아로 향하는데 이탈리아로 가는 도중 남편을 찾아가는 폴린을 만난다. 우연한 만남으로 둘은 함께 이탈리아로 향했고, 서로에게 끌린다. (최성진)
First Assistant Director
에밀 졸라의 소설을 영화화했다. 프랑스 제2제정 시대. 젊은 실업자 에티엔느 랑티에(레노드 분)는 광부가 되면서 지옥같은 노동자의 삶에 발을 들여놓는다. 프랑스 북부에서 그는 가난과 알콜중독, 난잡한 성생활, 샤발같이 음탕하거나 투생 마유같이 너그러운 사람들 등 버림받아 고통에 빠진 인간성을 발견한다. 그는 사회주의 운동에 나서지만 광산 책임자로부터 찍히게 된다. 봉급이 깍이자, 대대적인 파업이 일어나고 광부들에게 굶주림과 죽음이 다가온다. 이런 속에서도 에티엔느와 카트린느(주디스 헨리 분)의 사랑은 아름답게 빛난다. 파업은 군대에 의해 진압되지만 에티엔느는 그 모든 피가 헛되지 않았다는 희망을 가슴에 담고 다시 떠난다.
Liner Pianist
가난한 10대 프랑스 소녀, 부유한 남자를 허락하고 처음으로 육체적 쾌락을 경험하게 된다. 불우한 가정 환경과 자신에 대한 혐오가 더해 갈수록 소녀는 욕망에 빠져들고 격정적인 관능에 몰입한다. 욕정일 뿐 사랑이 아니라고 부정하지만 평생 잊을 수 없는 운명으로 남게 되는데….
La Bohème
Second Assistant Director
The film tells the story of a love affair between a poor poet and an equally poor seamstress in 19th century Paris.