Kumar Thakur

참여 작품

사르다 우드함
Executive Producer
A young Sardar Udham Singh left deeply scarred by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, escaped into the mountains of Afghanistan, reaching London in 1933-34. Carrying an unhealed wound for 21 years, the revolutionary assassinated Michael O’Dwyer on 13th March, 1940, the man at the helm of affairs in Punjab, April 1919 to avenge the lost lives of his beloved brethren.
Executive Producer
Dan, a 21-year-old carefree boy is always surrounded by a bunch of friends and fellow hotel interns who feed off each other's everyday moments, their ups and downs. Shiuli is also an intern working in the same hotel, who at times is at a receiving end of Dan's audaciousness. Everything was normal in their life until a sudden turn of events smashes Dan and Shiuli's lives together, into a bond.
Executive Producer
한 택시 운전기사가 젊은 건축가와 괴팍한 아버지를 태우고 델리에서 콜카타로 가면서 못말리는 가정사에 어쩔 수 없이 개입하게 된다.
마드라스 카페: 살육의 현장
Executive Producer
반군 단체를 무너뜨리려는 목적으로 섬에 잠입한 인도 첩보원. 전쟁의 포화에 휩싸인 그곳에서 한 열정적인 기자를 만난다.