Jake Adelstein

출생 : 1969-03-28, Columbia, Missouri, USA


Joshua Lawrence “Jake” Adelstein is an American journalist, crime writer, and blogger who has spent most of his career in Japan.

참여 작품

미싱: 루시 블랙맨 실종 사건
Self - Journalist
2000년 7월 1일. 스물한 살의 영국인 루시 블랙맨이 도쿄에서 실종된다. 곧바로 국제적인 수사가 진행되고 정의를 향한 불굴의 추적이 시작된다.
Schoolgirls for Sale
Self - Journalist
Japan’s obsession with cutesy culture has taken a dark turn, with schoolgirls now offering themselves for “walking dates” with adult men. Last year the US State Department, in its annual report on human trafficking, flagged so-called joshi-kosei osanpo dates (Japanese for “high school walking”) as fronts for commercial sex run by sophisticated criminal networks.
Reflections With Jake Adelstein
In this video interview, Jake Adelstein (author of "Tokyo Vice" and the newspaper reports "Saitama Dog Lovers Serial Disappearances" and "Saitama Dog Lovers Serial Murders") discusses the case that inspired Cold Fish.