Joy Delima

Joy Delima

프로필 사진

Joy Delima

참여 작품

실연의 상처를 입고 직업도 잃은 30대 여성, 레일라. 가족들은 재혼을 바라지만, 그녀는 인생을 다시 설계하고 행복을 찾기 위한 여정에 나선다.
Last Ride
When a cab driver reluctantly has to pick up his last customer of that night in a deprived neighbourhood in Rotterdam, it turns out to be a lady that gives this last ride an unforgettable twist.
The three friends Em, Moreno and Kyon have raised a local money laundering practice in Rotterdam. They feel like kings and go home with a good feeling. In one night they find out that money is not enough to solve their problems.