Peter Andersson

Peter Andersson

출생 : 1953-02-12, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden


Ulf Harry Peter Andersson is a Swedish stage and screen actor. He graduated from the Academy of Music and Drama, Gothenburg, in 1977. So far he has appeared in almost 100 feature films and TV-productions.

프로필 사진

Peter Andersson

참여 작품

Acrimonius Alfie Atkins
Alfie Atkins
The investigative journalist is back to find out what happened to the children's book character Alfie Atkins.
Eleven people, isolated from the outside world, communicate via screens. A son wants to hold the hand of his suffering mother. Love grows. A mother has abandoned her family. A therapist finds himself at the edge of ruin. A daughter connects with her parents.
나는 결백하다
Jan Olsson
조작된 연쇄살인마 베리발 사건의 진실을 밝혀내는 과정을 그린 영화
Innan vintern kommer
A family on a small farm tries to live as usual even though there is a violent coup in the country. The threat is constantly present.
언더월드: 블러드 워
수세기 동안 이어져온 뱀파이어와 라이칸의 전쟁! 뱀파이어 여전사 셀린느는 혼란의 시대 속 자신과 사랑하는 이들을 지키고자 했지만 어느 것 하나 지켜내지 못한 채, 새로운 리더 마리우스의 지휘 아래 뱀파이어 족을 말살하려는 라이칸 족과의 전쟁을 준비한다. 같은 편에 서 있지만 그녀를 믿지 않는 뱀파이어 족과 그들을 노리는 라이칸 족 그리고 이들 사이에서 자신만의 싸움을 시작하려는 셀린느. 과연, 이들의 전쟁은 끝날 수 있을까?
Förbjuden kärlek
Axel Munthe (voice)
A documentary about Victoria, queen of Sweden, and her relationship with her doctor, Axel Munthe.
바티칸 사제들
Cardinal Bruun
27세 생일을 맞이한 '안젤라'에게 어느 날부턴가 섬뜩한 사고들이 연달아 일어나고, 그녀는 점차 자신은 물론 주변 사람들마저 위험에 몰아넣는 존재가 돼버린다. 기이한 일들의 원인을 알 수 없어 고통스러워하던 어느 날, 병원에서 우연히 '안젤라'를 목격한 신부는 그녀가 빙의됐다고 주장한다. 그녀를 주의 깊게 관찰한 바티칸의 사제들은 단순한 악귀가 아닌 고대 사탄의 힘을 가진 가장 강력한 사탄이 ‘안젤라’를 사로잡고 있음을 직감하는데...
블로우플라이 파크
Blowfly Park is a psychological thriller which follows Christian Kretschmann, a day-nursery teacher, who may have committed a violent murder. This is the film debut of choreographer Jens Östberg.
사라짐의 순서: 지옥행 제설차
‘올해의 모범시민상’을 받을 정도로 마을에서 존경 받는 제설차 운전사 닐스. 어느 날, 아들 잉바르가 약물과용으로 죽었다는 비보를 전해 듣게 된다. 죽음의 배후를 파고들수록 아들의 죽음에 갱스터와 마피아 집단이 연루되어있다는 것을 알게 되고, 닐스는 아들의 원한을 갚기 위해 차례로 피의 복수를 시작하는데...
잭 라이언: 코드네임 쉐도우
Dimitri Lemkov
뛰어난 두뇌와 탁월한 정보 분석 능력으로 은밀하게 발탁된 CIA 비밀요원 ‘잭 라이언’(크리스 파인) 뉴욕 증권가 월 스트리트의 능력 있는 임원으로 CIA 요원의 정체를 숨기고 살아가던 그는 전세계 경제를 붕괴시킬 치밀한 테러의 음모를 알아차리게 된다. 거대한 혼란을 야기할 경제 테러를 막을 유일한 인물로 지목된 ‘잭 라이언’. 누구도 믿을 수 없는 위기의 상황에 처하게 된 그는 자신의 조력자이자 파트너 ‘하퍼’(케빈 코스트너), 그리고 약혼녀 ‘캐시’(키이라 나이틀리)와 함께 음모의 열쇠를 쥐고 있는 ‘빅터’(케네스 브래너)에 맞서 절체절명 미션 수행에 나서게 되는데…!
For Sebastian Silverberg life is all about his appearance, partying and his enormous ego. Things are going smoothly when an accident leaves him blind, forcing him to re-evaluate his life and to seek meaning beyond appearances.
Wallander 27 - The Troubled Man
Sten Nordlander
Wallander has become a grandfather and is trying to seize the role as good as it goes because he wants to be closer to his daughter Linda and her family. When Linda's father-in-law mysteriously disappears, Wallander is drawn into the case that takes him back in time to the Cold War and the submarine violations in the Stockholm archipelago. At the same time, he's starting to suspect that something is not right with him...
The Last Sentence
Christian Günther
Renowned journalist Torgny Segerstedt declares war against Hitler as he criticizes Swedish politicians who tried to look away from the tyranny of the Nazis with the good excuse of “neutralism”. His only weapon is his pen and his life is full of gossip such as an affair with his boss’ wife, a love scandal with a secretary younger than his daughter, and the suicide of his wife. However, he continues to fight a one man battle against Hitler and the Nazi regime until his death, throwing the question “Can one person really change history?” to the audience.
Staffan Wärnman
국가정보요원 '해밀턴'은 GPS유도 미사일의 밀매 경로를 파악하기 위해 유럽 최고 밀매 조직에 스파이로 잠입한다. 그러나 우즈베키스탄과 아프가니스탄 국경에서 무장단체에 의한 기습공격에 동료들은 죽고 '해밀턴'만이 극적으로 살아 돌아오지만 매일 죄책감과 악몽에 시달린다. 한편, 테러조직 ‘섹트라곤’은 소말리아 망명 정치인 테러 작전을 세우고, 좌표 사용을 담당하는 '벤자민리'는 테러 대상에 아이들도 포함된다는 것을 알게 되자 죄책감때문에 기술자문 '라예르베크'와 함께 조직을 배신한다. 스웨덴 정부는 '라예르베크'를 구출하기 위해 '해밀턴'을 비밀 요원으로 긴급 투입하고, 여자친구를 스파이로 오인한 '해밀턴'은 반사적으로 여자친구를 살인하게 된다. 이에 여형사 '요한나'는 집요하게 살인 사건을 캐기 시작하고 국가가 허가한 유일한 살인면허를 가진 국가정보요원 '해밀턴'은 과연 위기의 순간 자신의 임무를 완성할 수 있을까?
Somewhere Else
Alongside a tranquil road somewhere in Sweden live a number of people who are pretty much like people in general. When a highly improbable and catastrophic chain of events besets them, it leads to break up and change. A tragicomic story that feels both familiar and alien at the same time.
Terrified and bloody, Oscar Svendsen awakes clinched to a shotgun in a strippers joint. Around him 8 dead men, and police aiming at him. To Oscar it's clear that he is innocent. It all started when four chaps won 1,7 million on the pools.
Happy End
They are people who have important significance for each other, but are not honest with each other. They live in a shadow world of lies and half truths and just waiting for the truth to come forward so they can continue their lives in a new direction.
The Subjection
Documentary in which director Stefan Jarl has a blood test performed on himself to show the "chemical burden" of trace chemicals in the blood of all people born since World War II.
Pappa Robert
Kelvin is an average teenager with an extraordinary talent - parkour. After his detective father is shot, Kelvin is forced to question his moral boundaries: how far will he go for family and friends?
밀레니엄: 제3부 벌집을 발로 찬 소녀
Nils Bjurman
어둠을 향한 최후의 결전이 시작된다! 밀레니엄 3부작의 거대한 결말을 확인하라! 전편 (2부)에서 살해당할 뻔한 ‘리스베트’가 삼엄한 경비 속에 병원에서 깨어난다. 하지만 건강이 회복되면 그녀는 교도소로 이감되어 세명을 살해한 혐의에 대한 재판을 받아야 하는 운명을 맞는다. 그리고 그녀의 결백을 증명하려는 언론인 ‘미카엘 블룸키스트’의 노력과 ‘리스트베’ 자신이 직접 녹화한 치부와 같은 더러운 비디오 테잎을 증거로 제출해야 하는 상황에 몰리며 마침내 결백을 증명하면서 가진자들과 부패한 권력자들의 그늘에서 벗어나 이들을 파멸의 구덩이에 밀어 넣는데…
Johan Falk: Leo Gaut
Leo Gaut
A car explodes in front of a primary school where GSI boss Patrick Agrell has just left his children. The event reunites Johan Falk with Leo Gaut, a former criminal restaurant owner who Johan put behind bars a decade ago.
밀레니엄: 제2부 불을 가지고 노는 소녀
Nils Bjurman
전세계를 강타한 밀레니엄 신드롬 그 거대한 제2막이 시작된다! 3명의 살인사건! 살인용의자로 몰린 리스베트의 복수의 대반격이 시작된다! 동유럽과 스웨덴을 연결하는 인신매매조직과 사회지도층 인사들에게 만연된 성매매를 연구하는 한 젊은 언론인이 밀레니엄지 편집장 ‘미카엘 블룸키스트’와 접촉하고 이에 흥미를 느낀 ‘미카엘’이 부정과 부패로 얼룩진 스웨덴 고위층에 만연한 부조리를 폭로하기로 결심하지만 기사로 다루기도 전에 젊은 언론인과 그의 여자친구가 살해당하면서 사건은 엉뚱한 방향으로 전개되고 게다가 행방이 묘연한 ‘리스베트 살란다’의 보호감찰관 ‘닐스 뷰르만’까지 같은 총에 의해 살해당한 것이 밝혀진다. 위조된 증거물들은 하나같이 모두 ‘리스베트’를 지목하기 시작하고 용의자를 구속하려는 경찰 당국과 결백을 믿는 ‘미카엘’간의 동상이몽 속에 ‘리스베트’의 기억 속에 남아 괴롭히고 있는 방화 사건과 출생의 비밀을 비롯하여 한 어린 소녀에게 가해진 어두운 과거들이 하나 둘씩 베일을 벗기 시작하는데…
밀레니엄: 제1부 여자를 증오한 남자들
Nils Bjurman
전세계를 전율시킨 충격의 화제작! 진실을 파헤치는 기자와 용 문신을 한 천재 해커가 밝혀내는 충격적 진실! 40년 전 어느 날, 명망 있는 뱅거 가문 소유의 외딴 섬에서 가족 모임을 하던 중 뱅거 가문의 일원이었던 ‘하리에트 뱅거’가 실종된다. 그녀의 삼촌은 그녀가 살해당했을 것이라고 추측하고 불명예로 기자 생활을 접어야 하는 ‘미카엘 블룸키스트’와 문신이 새겨진 반항적인 컴퓨터 해커 ‘리스베트 살란다’에게 이 사건 조사를 의뢰 한다. ‘하리에트’의 실종을 조사하던 이 둘은 40년 전에 일어난 끔찍한 연쇄 살인 사건과 그녀의 실종이 연관되어 있음을 알게 되고 음침하고도 간담이 서늘한 가족 역사의 비밀을 밝혀나가기 시작하는데…
카토케니오 반란
Lars Johan Bucht
Religious and cultural reawakening inspires rebellion in a 19th century Norwegian village.
7 Millionaires
The rich heir Måns Lundin is about to get married to the equally rich Judith Fahlén but when his brother arrives for the wedding there is a disagreement about the money left by their dead father.
Mouth to Mouth
The teenage girl Vera left her family after an incident at home, and is now living with a middle-aged drug addict, Morgan, who is using her as a prostitute to get money for drugs and debts. Meanwhile, the rest of her family is falling apart, and her father, Mats, is trying to figure out how to get her back before it's too late.
Pieter Klausen
Carambole is the story of a doctor, in love and happy, who one rainy night accidentally hits a young boy with his car and drives away when he sees the boy is dead. Some days later he receives a letter telling him that someone knows what he did, and want money for his silence. And after that it just gets messier for the good doctor...
The Fish
A small group of people who, in intimate ways, explores a relationship that is exposed to stress.
The Caretaker
Mick and his brother Aston live alone together in a West London house until one night Aston brings home Davies, who just left his job as a kitchen helper at a restaurant. The old man proves to be a violent, selfish bigot, uncharitable himself but quick to exploit the kindness of others.
The Return of the Dancing Master
Stefan Lindman is a police officer in Boros, Sweden. When his mentor and retired former partner Herbert Molin is brutally murdered in the remote town of Sveg, Lindman travels north to investigate. The more Lindman digs into the mysterious killing, the less he is sure to have known the man he feels so much indebted to...
Sweden, shortly before Christmas. Surgeon Rickard is told the job he expected goes to a Dane, because of his substance abuse. It's too late to cancel dinner with his in-laws. The guest couple announces their in-vitro is a success. Then Richard's wife learns he cheated her with Sofie. Meanwhile ugly hag Anita trades drugs to afford a taser to use on her ex Olof and his former physiotherapist. Workaholic builder Anders is disgusted by his grieve-deranged client Knut's plan and decides to spend time on his family, not just money.
The Source
The Victoriastadium is totally destroyed in a bomb attack and Christina Furhage, head-responsible for the Olympic Games in Stockholm, dies with it. Why did someone destroy the stadium and why is Christina murdered? The police desperately seek for clues that will lead them to the perpetrator but without any luck. As the Olympic Games draws near the situation becomes more desperate. Annika Bengtzon, a reporter for Kvällsposten, se a connection that no one else sees and without understanding it she starts a carousel that in the end will threaten her own life.
About seven men who have committed terrible crimes and are imprisoned indefinitely.
Flickering Lights
The Faroese
Four small gangsters from Copenhagen trick a gangster boss: they take over 4,000,000 kroner which they were supposed to bring him. Trying to escape to Barcelona they are forced to stop in the countryside, in an old, wrecked house, hiding there for several weeks. Slowly, one after another, they realize, that they would like to stay there, start a new life.
제로 톨러런스
Leo Gaut
정의감이 투철한 요따란드 시경의 요한 팔크 경사는 크리스마스 이브에 살인사건에 휘말린다. 그러나 시민을 살해한 범인 레오 고트는 사건 현장에 있던 세 명의 목격자에게 거짓 진술을 하도록 협박하여 구속을 면하게 된다. 이에 격분한 요한 경사는 범인을 찾아가는데, 레오는 요한 경사에게 구타와 협박을 당한 것으로 조작하고, 요한 경사는 구치소에 수감된다. 가까스로 탈출에 성공한 요한 경사는 직접 자신의 누명을 벗겨줄 증인을 찾아내고 목격자들을 설득하려고 한다. 한편 레오는 목격자들이 진술을 번복하지 않도록 수를 쓰는데 우선 니나라는 딸을 둔 목격자 헬렌을 찾아간다. 그 곳에서 헬렌을 죽이려던 레오는 헬렌을 찾아온 여경사 헬렌에게 총을 쏘고, 총성이 보고되자 경찰이 출동하여 레오는 그 자리에서 연행된다. 다시 법정에 선 레오는 그의 변호사를 통해 무죄를 주장하지만, 목격자들은 이제 진실을 밝히고 요한 팔크경사의 결백을 증명하게 되는데...
Personkrets 3:1
A lot of hell and very little heaven heaven among homeless and damaged characters in Stockholm. The young heroin addict couple, the slippery pimp, a mentally ill poet, are some of the personalities we are being served.
Run for Your Life
After giving birth to a son, Catti and her husband Mikael get entangled in an organization that hides illegal immigrants in Sweden. They slowly realize that their picture perfect country in reality is built on police brutality, state coercion and inhuman immigration policies.
Kalle Blomkvist Lives Dangerously
Polisinspektör Strand
The story is about a boy named Kalle Blomkvist who with his friends solves crimes. But also play the battle between the red rose and the white rose with his rival friends. But everything changes when Kalle Blomkvists friend finds a dead man in a cabin and then must his friends and he find the murdurer.
Ett sorts Hades
About the individuals who live in a mad-house. This kind of people usually seem to be quite normal. However, from one scene to another they may dramatically change, thereby revealing their deep problems with themselves and the society they cannot live in anymore.
데뷔와 동시에 일대 센세이션을 일으킨 윈딩 레픈의 대표작으로 2012년 동명의 리메이크 영화가 나오기도 했다. 지금은 세계적인 배우가 된 덴마크 배우 미켈슨의 영화 데뷔작이기도 하다. 잔챙이 마약업자 프랭크는 그만 일생일대의 거래를 망치고 거물 마약상에게 감당할 수 없는 빚을 지고 만다. (2012년 제16회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
The Passenger
A young woman steals a taxi when the driver is helping a passenger into a house. When she stops at a hot dog stand, the taxi is hijacked by a gunman.
Som löven i Vallombrosa
Four generations of the same family meet in a summer cottage over a weekend.
House of Angels: The Second Summer
Ragnar Zetterberg
Fanny and Zack is back, after she inherited Änglagård last year. Everytone looks forward to their new stay. Axel has told Fanny he is her father, but who else? Ivar also thinks he is her father. Be ready for expectations and confusions.
A gunman has taken residency on an uninhabited island and a local man has to deescalate the situation without getting the police involved.
The Last Dance
Lennart Waltner
Blackpool, a dancing contest, a dead woman. This is the opening scene of this movie, which then continues by telling us the story preceding this sad accident - or is it a murder? We will get to know the tensed relationship of the dancing contestant couple Tove and Claes, and see how there lives are affected by Liselott and Lennart, their opponents and friends.
Rosenbaum - Bländverk
Åke Blixt
At a porn club in Stockholm, a brutal murder is committed - and one of the striptease dancers takes the blame.
Och ge oss skuggorna
It is the 61st birthday of the American author Eugene O'Neill. He is sick, old and his name has started to fade from the public consciousness. His wife Carlotta Monterey is far from supporting, in fact she constantly reminds him of his shortcomings and unfulfilled dreams. Their sons, Eugene Jr. and Shane come to congratulate him (and perhaps expecting to get some money). But they are unable to help their father, since they have their own problems: Eugene Jr. is an alcoholic, Shane is doing drugs.
House of Angels
Ragnar Zetterberg
In a small village in Västergötland, everything is turned upside-down when the local loner dies and his cottage is inherited by his unknown relative Fanny. She rides into town on a big black motorcycle with her androgynous boyfriend Zack, wearing black leather and spikes. When they decide to stay, Flogfält's plans to buy the cottage are upset.
Freud Leaving Home
In this story, the 60th birthday of Cohen-family matriarch Rosha is the occasion for a gathering of her children from the diverse places around the world. The central character in this drama, however, is Angelique, whose interest in psychoanalysis has earned her the nickname of "Freud." Her older brother is gay and lives in Florida with his lover. Her older sister has married into an Orthodox family, and lives in Jerusalem. They have all gathered in Sweden for their grandmother's birthday. Meanwhile, Rosha's daughter, the mother of these diverse children, has taken ill and is in the hospital. She has been diagnosed with a very advanced, inoperable brain tumor. Freud, who never left home, is perhaps as upset by this news as anyone, and she startles everyone by going out and beginning an affair with a biker. However, she is deeply involved in the new situation: she insists that their mother be brought home from the hospital rather than being allowed to suffer and die there.
Hassel 04 - Säkra papper
Lars Eriksson
Venus 90
Peter O.
A film crew travels out in a future Europe to make a documentary about the birds and threats to the ecological contexts. The motto of the film has been downloaded from the Indian chief, Chief Seattle's famous words from 1855; "You can not sell the sky, and everything that affects the Earth affect the humans".
A Swedish drama by Reidar Jönsson.
Lysande landning
Pieter Ehr
Harry Friberg receives a photo assignment at Lindarängen's airport in Stockholm. The assignment turns into a nightmare when the photographer is invited to a crayfish party by the company's director.