Caleb Cabrera

참여 작품

사랑을 위하여
Dock Boy (segment "Sailing Lesson")
Three sto­ries that explore love, com­mit­ment, and loy­al­ty between cou­ples and friends. "Two for Din­ner" where a mar­ried cou­ple tem­porar­i­ly liv­ing in two dif­fer­ent loca­tions are more sep­a­rat­ed than they think. "Sail­ing Les­son" about a long-mar­ried cou­ple who spend a day on a sail­boat rekin­dling their romance… and unex­pect­ed events arise. "Late Lunch" where a young woman who recent­ly lost her moth­er gath­ers togeth­er a group of her moth­er’s friends to share mem­o­ries, with sur­pris­ing rev­e­la­tions.
A maladjusted dad is trying to heal in an experimental therapy group called Infinite Beginnings. Meanwhile, his nonbinary kid is getting close with an older man. Their relationship feels both dreamy and concerning—depending on whose watching.
Manuel (voice)
평소 그레그의 일상은 가족과 사랑, 장난꾸러기 강아지로 채워져 있지만 사실 그에겐 비밀이 있다. 하지만 오늘은 다르다. 그레그는 자신의 어른스러운 강아지와 약간의 마법의 도움을 빌려 이 비밀을 숨길 필요 없다는 것을 깨닫는다.
Metropolitan Crush
Taylor, a successful professional, is suffocating under the loneliness of being around millions of people. But a ray of light comes from encountering a stranger.