Kristen Harris
출생 : 1976-11-16, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
After struggling to start a family, Julie Rivers becomes pregnant and moves into a new home with her husband. She's ordered to mandatory bed rest, and begins seeing ghostly happenings throughout the house.
Police Officer
비범한 과거를 숨긴 채 남들과 다를 바 없는 평범한 일상을 사는 한 가정의 가장 ‘허치’ 매일 출근을 하고, 분리수거를 하고 일과 가정 모두 나름 최선을 다하지만 아들한테는 무시당하고 아내와의 관계도 소원하다. 그러던 어느 날, 집안에 강도가 들고 허치는 한 번의 반항도 하지 못하고 당한다. 더 큰 위험으로부터 가족을 지키기 위한 선택이었는데 모두 무능력하다고 ‘허치’를 비난하고, 결국 그동안 참고 억눌렀던 분노가 폭발하고 만다.
Trish Patton
As Trish’s once-perfect daughter suddenly shuts her out of her life with lies and sneaking around, Trish’s motherly intuition kicks into high gear. Can she uncover the truth about what’s wrong with her daughter in time to save her and the baby?
사람들의 함성이 쏟아지는 농구 경기장. 경비원으로 고용된 전직 특수 요원이 내면에 잠들어 있던 야수를 깨운다. 자신의 딸과 농구팀 오너가 첨단 기술로 무장한 괴한들에 인질로 잡힌 상황. 지금부터 성난 야수의 무차별 반격이 시작된다.
Kay Quinn
한 어머니의 실제 이야기를 바탕으로, 한 어머니의 믿음과 사랑으로 부터 시작된 헌신이 희망과 기적의 산을 만들 수 있음을 보여주는 감동 실화
Red-Haired Woman
황량한 시골마을, 청각장애 소년 웨슬리는 학교에서 돌아오던 중 총상을 입은 채 쓰러져 있는 낯선 남자를 발견한다. 그를 집 근처 헛간에 옮긴 후 음식과 약을 가져다 준다. 하지만 낯선 남자의 정체는…
성형외과 의사인 아빠와 항상 다정다감한 엄마, 그리고 부유한 저택까지 모든 걸 다 가진 듯한 아름다운 소녀 ‘마리아’는 사실 학교에서 심한 따돌림을 당하는 소녀다. 항상 완벽한 외모를 강요하는 아빠의 강압 때문에 내성적인 성격을 가지게 된 ‘마리아’는 어느 순간 거울 속에서 자신과 똑같이 생긴 ‘애럼’을 마주하게 된다. ‘애럼’과의 대화를 통해 점점 자신감을 얻은 ‘마리아’는 학교 졸업 무도회에 참가하지만 전교생들 앞에서 끔찍한 일을 당하게 되고, 이 사건으로 큰 충격을 받은 ‘마리아’에게 거울 속 ‘애럼’은 자신과 몸을 바꿔준다면 원하는 모든 것을 얻게 해주겠다며 위험한 거래를 제안하는데…
At 16 Ashley was forced to give up her daughter. 18 years later, on the eve of their meeting for the first time, the girl disappears without a trace. The only person helping Ashley is Jake, her old boyfriend. Their relationship is tested when Jake discovers that he's also the girl's father.
Cara, a women’s magazine writer, who gets burned by her boyfriend on New Years’ Eve, decides to go on a dating detox. Challenged by her employer to write about it, she hopes a spontaneous ski getaway with her best friend will spark inspiration. Complicating matters, they discover they’ve double booked their chalet with two eligible men, including Ben, an entrepreneur. When the share-mates get snowed in, Cara and Ben are thrown together.
Adventurous flight attendant Sydney’s plans for a tropical Christmas get delayed when she helps an unaccompanied minor get home to Chicago to her dad Jonathan, a handsome widower and investigative reporter. Faced with a shortage of out-going flights, Sydney is marooned for several days in the Windy City – once her home as a small girl — and tags along with Jonathan, his daughter, and their exuberantly festive family until she can find a connecting flight. Jonathan makes her a deal: he helps her chase down the story of how her late parents met, and she helps him to write the perfect Christmas story and keep his job, and along the way, sparks form between them.
After the death of her husband, a woman tries to get on with her life, but during a business trip she spots him alive and comes to realize that he faked his death.
Ms. Moore
Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn about the Choking Game. Hiding it from her ever-present mother, best friend, and teachers, Taryn sees choking as a way to build self-control and grab an easy high. But, as the stakes are raised through each subsequent ‘flight’, Taryn has no idea that she is actually putting her life in extreme danger.
Mrs. Mintz
When two trouble-making brothers scam their way into an idyllic summer camp, they find themselves leading a rag tag cabin of boys into breaking every rule in the book.
Beatrice Matthews
On the brink of puberty in 1962 suburban Winnipeg, Sarah Matthews is increasingly challenged and confused by her mother’s instability and sexual power. While her father refuses to acknowledge that the family is fracturing under the stress of his wife’s mental illness, Sarah uses her creativity, inner strength, and a new friend to discover her own identity. With courage, Sarah bears witness and demands truth from the adults around her, demonstrating love’s capacity to endure.
Dr. Annmarie McQuaid
겨울 방학을 맞아 스노우모빌링을 하기 위해 길을 떠난 대학생들이 눈폭풍 속에 길을 잃는다. 한참을 헤매던 끝에 버려진 요양소 같은 곳을 찾아내고 일단 그곳에 묵기로 한다. 하지만 그곳은 끔찍한 과거의 잔해가 존재하는 곳으로 아직도 옛 환자의 일부가 숨어 살고 있었는데...
Lisa Simmons
Of Games and Escapes is a psychological drama about Patrick McBride, a career salesman and amateur board game developer, who needs to make a difference in the world before he ends his own.
Kathy Kurick
When a dismembered body is found in the Appalachian Mountains, a county Sheriff is shocked to discover that the predator is a six-hundred pound Bengal tiger.
Family secrets surface when a married couple returns to the husband’s hometown, where his overbearing family interferes with their imagined new start.