Yufeng Li

Yufeng Li

출생 : , Jilin, China


Li Yufeng, born in 1959, is from Jilin. Graduated from the Acting Department of Beijing Film Academy in 1982. After graduation, he was assigned to the Changying Actors Troupe as an actor, and was transferred from Changying a year later.

프로필 사진

Yufeng Li

참여 작품

Wei Junlan, who retired from the Municipal Food and Drug Administration, was suddenly murdered, and her tragic death at home shocked the whole city. On the surface, her husband, Qin Yaxuan, was heartbroken, but it was discovered that he had long been separated from his wife, and that he had been in close contact with a young and beautiful single woman, Wu Tong. However, the absence of the two also prevented the police from concluding that love was the motive. When the case was at a loss, drug dealer who once had a feud with Wei Junlan, became a new target of suspects.
The Love River
Narrator of the story: A villager dumbly recalled that in 1974, China was in the late stage of the Cultural Revolution, a series of past events in a village. The Xiangyuan family suddenly caught fire and his wife was burned.
아빠고양이 블랭킷은 그의 새끼 고양이 아들 케이프와 함께 도시 아파트에서 종종 창문에서 먼산을 바라보며 편안하게 살아간다. 아빠 고양이 블랭킷은 아들 고양이 케이프에게 고양이들의 천국이 있다고 한다. 어느 날, 아버지와 아들은 전설적인 고양이들의 피치토피아를 찾아 각각 모험 여행을 시작하는데...
학성은 우연히 보신탕 집에서 도망 나온 개를 집에 데리고 오고, 다리를 못쓰는 우는 그 개에게 도움을 받고 친구가 되고 '바보'라는 이름을 지어준다. 우는 자신을 끄는 수레를 발명하고 그걸로 소형 가전을 고쳐주는 일을 하게 된다. 바보는 그런 우를 끌어주며 함께 생활하고 점점 가까워지며 가족이 된다.
Iron and Rose
Good People from in Rizhao
Wang Shishu
Way Out
The Great Artery of Iron and Blood
In the Korean War China and North Korea fought together against the United States. Frontline needs in tens of thousands tons of military supplies every day. Railways has become the most important means of transport. The U.S. Army, unwilling to accept defeat on the battlefield, mobilized a large number of aircraft to bomb indiscriminately along railways, and carried out the so-called "war of attrition". Following the order of Commander Peng Dehuai, Liang Junying, the commander of the Sino-DPRK Joint Railway Transport Command, led the volunteer warriors on the transport front to carry forward the fearless revolutionary spirit, building bridges, repairing railways, and transporting supplies in the "317" section, which was dotted with bombs and mines. This is the real "indestructible and bombable steel transport line".