Anastasiya Lunkova

참여 작품

몬스터 신부: 101번째 프로포즈
Executive Producer
300년 동안 전세계 공주 100명에게 프로포즈하지만 모두 거절 당해 실의에 빠진 몬스터 백작, 드라이본. 일주일 내로 신붓감을 찾지 못하면 끔찍한 지옥의 마녀 ‘마라’와 결혼해야만 한다. 게다가 자신의 영원한 생명이 담긴 마법 바늘마저 도둑맞아 영혼이 사라질 위기에 처한다. 드라이본은 좁쌀 왕국 렌틸왕의 음모로 바늘을 되찾기 위해 겁나큰 왕국의 바바라공주를 납치하지만 공주를 본 순간 한눈에 사랑에 빠지는데… 과연 몬스터 백작은 무사히 마법 바늘을 되찾고 101번째 프로포즈에 성공할 수 있을까?
스페이스 독 3: 트로피컬 어드벤처
Executive Producer
미션, 위기에 빠진 바다를 지켜라! 물을 뺏기 위한 우주 최강 히어로들의 바다 속 한판승부가 펼쳐진다! 카리브해에 발생한 정체불명의 바다 소용돌이 조사를 위해 지구로 출동한 세계 최초 우주 탐사견 ‘머피’와 ‘마크’. 그러나 바다 해파리 해적단의 음모로 꼼짝없이 붙잡히고, 그들의 오랜 친구 ‘레니’가 친구들을 구하기 위해 바다로 떠난다. 마침내 아름다운 카리브 해안에서 모두 만나게 된 친구들! 하지만 위험한 바다 소용돌이에 휩쓸려 도착한 낯선 그 곳에서 외계인들을 만나며 지구에 숨겨진 놀라운 비밀을 알게 되는데… 위험에 처한 바다를 구하고 무사히 우주로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
The Foundling
Executive Producer
Family film about the adventures of a lost girl in Moscow. The world of the megalopolis is dangerous, but the five-year-old Natasha is so sincere and trusting about others that when meeting her, they change for the better. This is a story about a child and modern Moscow, told in the language of the current generation and continuing the traditions of good domestic cinema.
I’m Free
Executive Producer
Artem, a troublesome and difficult teenager, is sent to work as a volunteer at a recreation centre for disabled children. It is only when he forges an enduring friendship with a paralysed boy called Kostya that he is able to conquer his own demons.
Coco's Day
Executive Producer
Meet Coco, a little crocodile who hides from blizzards, explores underwater worlds and even turns into Godzilla – and all inside one flat!
Uncle Sasha, or One Flew Over Russia
Executive Producer
Uncle Sasha lives on an island in a “dead” village, surrounded by water. He dreams of the restoration of the monarchy and reviving the true wisdom of the Russian way of life, forgotten and trampled by modernisation and European influence. Every spring he builds a bridge, and every winter it is destroyed by ice. Uncle Sasha is now building his thirteenth bridge.
Good Heart
In the prehistoric forest lives primitive family. Mom in this family is strict, wild, gloomy. She just wants everyone to be full and healthy. But everything changes when the son brings the puppy home...
I Want To Live In The Zoo
Sasha struggles at home. Her parents expect her to tidy up her room, eat porridge and do homework. Sasha decides that life in the zoo sounds much more interesting! She heads off to try and find her place among a bunch of penguins or maybe giraffes?
The Sled
Line Producer
The mere sight of a huge and toothy gray wolf frightens the whole village. But one little girl was not afraid and befriended him. And at the same time she cured his sore paw, taught him to eat pancakes and cloudberries instead of sheep.
The group of travelling goats is trying to get a free snack