Valeria Fiorini

참여 작품

오퍼레이션 피날레
Still Photographer
전쟁의 기억이 잊혀 가던 1960년, 나치의 홀로코스트를 설계하고 실행한 핵심 인물 아돌프 아이히만을 찾기 위해 이스라엘 정보국 요원들이 끈질긴 추적을 시작하는데...
Maldito seas Waterfall
Still Photographer
Solitary and sometimes attacked by an asthmatic crisis, Roque Waterfall leads, at age 30, an unproductive life and, little or nothing at work, lives on a small family inheritance. His passion is to collect videos of Atlanta, the club of his loves, and in one of his few nocturnal outings he meets Hans, a German intellectual nihilist who is in Buenos Aires to make a documentary film about people who have nothing. But when he meets Roque he decides that his film will be about someone who does not do anything, of course he is not sure if he wants to show himself before the camera, and while trying to escape the director he meets Carla, whose charm stimulates him to interrupt his sedentary life .