Andrzej Dabrowski

참여 작품

스워드 오브 갓
낯선 땅에 거주하며 이도교를 믿는 원주민들을 구원하기 위해 선교사와 그의 일행이 원주민의 땅에 도착한다. 서로 말이 통하지 않지만 선교사는 계속해서 자신의 신념을 주입 시키고, 그들에게 믿음을 보여주기 위해 불속을 걷지만, 이를 뒤따르던 원주민은 소사(燒死) 한다. 서로의 믿음이 깨진 채 갈등은 심화되고, 선교사와 일행 또한 분열하게 되는데… 서로 엇갈린 신념을 가진 자들의 대립! 단절된 세상 속, 그들을 구원할 자는 누구인가!
Maciek (35), tricked by his boss, steals his boss's car and goes on a desperate joyride across. He drives across the interior of Poland, where people are preparing for a celebration of an unspecified anniversary. In the meanwhile, Magda (35), a Town Hall employee in charge of the anniversary events, Highly committed at first, gradually notices all the dirt and corruption around her. At some point, she must choose between her career and integrity, whether she should accept it or risk her career and leave. Finally, on the celebration day, Maciek and Magda finally meet. Will it change anything for them?
The Domino Effect
Rafael - the minister of sports of an unrecognized country, and Natasha - a Russian opera singer, try living together in Abkhazia - a war-torn future-less country. Observing their difficult relations, we see life in a place marked by war and nationalism. The film portrays trapped people dreaming of peace, normality and happiness.
Janusz W. Case
Episode from the series entitled "Decalogue 89+" inspired by the fifth commandment ‘You shall not murder’. A taxi-driver dies in a car crash caused by a popular TV presenter. Is it the end of his dazzling career? The odds are against it as the media concern that employs him will go to any lengths to salvage their star’s image.