Fiona seeks refuge in her local church, escaping the evil within her house only to find that something far darker sits in the confession booth next to her. This short film is one of the five winning short films which were made for “My Annabelle Creation" competition as a promotion for the film Annabelle: Creation.
Fiona seeks refuge in her local church, escaping the evil within her house only to find that something far darker sits in the confession booth next to her. This short film is one of the five winning short films which were made for “My Annabelle Creation" competition as a promotion for the film Annabelle: Creation.
예인선 ‘Arctic Warrior’호의 대원들은 거친 파도, 심장을 짖누르는 수압과 싸워가면서 침몰한 배를 인양하는 바다의 베테랑들이다. 이들 앞에 베링해 근방 알라스카 해안에 떠다니는 수수께끼의 괴선박을 인양하자는 제의가 들어오면서 새로운 항해가 시작된다. 망망대해로 모험을 떠난 대원들은 괴선박이 바로 40년전 실종됐던 '안토니아 그라자' 호라는 사실을 알고 흥분에 휩싸이는데...