The film follows the lives of four queer youths who are the first ones in their social circles to come out as openly gay before their 16th birthday.
북유럽, 그중에서도 노르웨이의 오픈리 퀴어의 이야기를 담고 있는 <노르웨이에서 보내는 편지>에서는 다양한 연령대의 퀴어들이 등장하여 이야기를 전개해간다.
이 영화에서는 프라이드 퍼레이드에 처음 참여해 보는 등 아직 많은 것들이 처음인 '새싹 퀴어'들이 주로 등장한다. 이들이 프라이드 퍼레이드에서 흔드는 레인보우 플래그와 자신이 자신일 수 있는 자리에서 자유를 만끽하는 모습을 통해 어쩌면 당사자성을 가지고 있는 청소년 퀴어들은 공감할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 퀴어의 위치에서 '선배' 자리에 있는 이들에겐 자신의 어렸던 날을 회상할 수 있는 기회를 가질 수 있을 것이다.
Filled with vitality, humor and unexpected situations, Hamada paints an unusual portrait of a group of young friends living in a refugee camp in the middle of nowhere. Western Sahara is known as “the last colony in Africa” and this conflict is the longest and one of the least known ongoing disputes in the continent, but the Sahrawi people refuse to become invisible.
노르웨이의 한 도시. 중년 남성들이 매주 모여 맥주를 마시고 노래를 부르는 모임을 갖는다. 그들은 합창단을 만들어 열심히 노래 연습도 한다. 단원들 중 누구 하나라도 죽으면 장례식에서 같이 노래를 불러주자고 약속한다. 어느 날, 전설적인 헤비메탈 밴드 ‘블랙 사바스’가 이 도시에서 공연을 하기로 하는데, 합창단이 공연 전 무대에 서기로 한다. 공연 연습에 몰두하던 그들에게 충격적인 소식이 전해진다. 합창단의 지휘자가 불치병에 걸린 것이다. 살 날이 얼마 남지 않은 상태에서 지휘자는 공연을 위해 아픈 몸을 일으켜 연습장으로 간다. 그들은 무사히 공연을 마칠 수 있을까?
Animation of pieces of plastic found on the shore.
Color Grading
Hammersborg Protecting the City Future is based on a text by Kjetil A. Jakobsen and filmed in the government quarter in Oslo.
Online Editor
Hammersborg Protecting the City Future is based on a text by Kjetil A. Jakobsen and filmed in the government quarter in Oslo.
When mom gets ill, Maria becomes the family's caretaker. But when she can't cope any more, her father seems to have given up.
How could Gulosten, who was a major criminal during prohibition, and a resistance fighter during WW2, get away with the murder of two Germans in peacetime Norway? And what part did his friend, king Haakon of Norway, play in this?
Gomp: Tales of surveillance in Norway 1948-1989 is a film from a staged hearing focusing on the surveillance of dissidents during the Cold War. Through its unique set of characters, the film depicts a complex image of Post War Norway as well as various aspects and consequences of being surveilled. Produced as a live event, it is simultaneously a documentary, a work of fiction and a piece of political theater.
Digital Effects Producer
Gomp: Tales of surveillance in Norway 1948-1989 is a film from a staged hearing focusing on the surveillance of dissidents during the Cold War. Through its unique set of characters, the film depicts a complex image of Post War Norway as well as various aspects and consequences of being surveilled. Produced as a live event, it is simultaneously a documentary, a work of fiction and a piece of political theater.
In 1998, the Norwegian author, Stig Saeterbakken decided to write a novel in one week. Neighbor and director Morten Hovland was allowed to film the project, which became not just about the act of writing the novel Sauermugg, but also involves the authors thoughts on philosophy, literature, art and life in general. Stig Saeterbakken died on January 25Th 2012, and as such this film serves as a rare portrait of one of the most assured and uncompromising voices of contemporary Norwegian literature.
Color Designer
Gender Me is a road movie about Mansour’s voyage into the world of Islam. It is a personal odyssey through a world of taboos, filled with contradictory images. He explores questions regarding faith and gender in Islam with a special focus on the unusual stories of Muslim gays. Mansour is a homosexual Iranian refugee who has been living in Oslo for the past 18 years where he works as a pharmacist. Now he wants to travel back to Istanbul, where he lived for two years before he was granted asylum in Norway.
Online Editor
The film's director and old boys player Trygve Hagen takes us on football training late autumn evening with other old boys who love football. This will be a starting point for reflecting on the enthusiasm for two slightly different things such as football games and filmmaking.