The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
1990s. Three friends Vova, Mamed and Lyokha go to school and dream, like everyone else in Russia at this time, to open their own business. But first you need money. Everything seemed to be going well, but they were not allowed to the final exams. His Majesty the case in the image of the regional semi-criminal authority Kostik comes to the aid of aspiring entrepreneurs. Kostya's liver has rotted - he needs a new one. Young businessmen get the coveted organ, but only with it, with this organ, it is not so simple.
15 August 1990. Viktor Tsoi, the Soviet Union’s most famous rock star, leader of the band Kino, a symbol of freedom and change, dies in an accident on a Latvian highway. The bus driver who was involved in the tragic accident will bring his body back to Leningrad. A party of mourners – Tsoi’s wife and her new boyfriend, his mistress, his producer, his young son and an obsessed photographer – are part of the trip back. This is going to be a long trip, the perfect occasion for an agonizing unravelling of love, jealousy, ambition, and greed.
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
전쟁은 선택이지만 사랑은 운명이었다! 100년간 감춰졌던 극비 실화 로맨스!!
전쟁도, 혁명도 막지 못했던 운명적 사랑이 대륙의 설원 위에서 펼쳐진다!!
전투에서 대승을 거두고 영웅으로 돌아온 최고의 해군 함장 `코르챠크`(콘스탄틴 카벤스키). 승리를 축하하는 파티가 열리던 밤, 그는 고혹적인 매력의 `안나`(엘리자베타 보야르스카야)를 만나게 되고 두 사람은 거부할 수 없는 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 얼마 후 제국은 혁명의 불길에 휩싸이고 제독의 자리에 오른 `코르챠크`는 군인의 명예와 대의를 위해서 `안나`곁을 떠나게 된다. 운명의 여인을 지켜내기 위해 그녀를 모른 척 해야 하는 `코르챠크`와 그에게 전해질 기약 없는 편지를 쓰며 그리움을 키워가는 `안나`. 기다림의 끝에서 결국 `안나`는 연인과 생사를 함께 하기로 결심하고, 간호병이 되어 `코르챠크` 몰래 먼발치에서나마 연인을 지켜보며 전장 속으로 뛰어 드는데...
Biographical film depicting Japanese Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) during the final days of World War II. The film is the third drama in director Aleksandr Sokurov's trilogy, which included Taurus about the Soviet Union's Vladimir Lenin and Moloch about Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler.