František Šlégr

출생 : 1894-11-04,

사망 : 1971-10-22

참여 작품

Růženko, spíte sama?
Strýčkův sen
Ševci z Nummi
Rekviem za rytierov
Smrť Pavla Duchaja
Dívka s třemi velbloudy
Murder Czech Style
The protagonist (Rudolf Hrusinsky) is a dull, fat, shy government clerk indulging in voyuerism and ego fantasies. In love with another clerk (Kveta Fiolova), he is urged on in his pursuit by a commiserate executive. The story is told in a flashback sequence as the cuckolded Hrusinsky attempts suicide by gassing himself in his bathtub. The "Murder" of the title is not a murder as such, rather the murder that Hrusinsky remembers planning upon discovering his wife's unfaithfulness with his supposed friend and advisor. Both plots failing in his mind, he loses himself in fantastic reveries of his funeral and of hypocritical mourners. ' Deciding (perhaps) that this is not the way out either, he gives up the attempt and imagines a life of reconciliation and eventual affluence.
Martin and Nine Fools
Captain Martin from the police's child department and his colleague Kraus are called to Znojmo to help solve a case regarding stolen toys found in the town's subterranean passages. The members of the local police department are convinced that the thieves are the well-known "customers" from the Znojmo elementary school, pupils Exner and Mandlík. Martin, however, has doubts about these culprits. These doubts grow even stronger after the local self-service shop is robbed and the local tobacco store reports that it is missing a lot of imported cigarettes. Martin questions the children, inspects both shops and searches through the underground.
Alcestin návrat
První den mého syna
Deváté jméno
Chléb, který jíte
Anička jde do školy
děda ve výkupu lahví
허풍선이 남작의 모험
španělský námořník
역사상 가장 황당무계한 허풍선이 남작의 모험 이야기. 허풍선이 남작은 달에 표류된 우주인을 외계인으로 착각하고 그와 함께 신비한 지구 모험을 시작한다. 해마를 타고 터키 제국의 군대를 무찌르고 물고기 뱃속에 갇혔다 빠져 나오는 등 모험의 시대를 배경으로 신화와 전설이 어우러져 종횡무진 활약하는 뮌히하우젠 남작의 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 카렐 제만의 은 40년이 지난 후에도 허풍선이 남작에 관한 여러 영화들 중 가장 좋은 평을 받고 있다. 프랑스의 화가 겸 그래픽 아티스트인 구스타프 도르 (Gustav Dore) 의 영향을 받아 제작된 드로잉과 컷아웃 제작 기법과 어우러진 라이브 액션으로 보여지는 카렐 제만 특유의 신비하고 이국적인 스타일에 빠져든다. 1962 스위스 로카르노 영화제 2위 수상, 1962 모스크바 UNIATEC 국제 협회 기술상 수상.
Kavkazský křídový kruh
Little Bobesh
A story of a young boy called Bobesh and his funny adventures.
Policejní hodina
Jarní povětří
Markoltovo šprýmování aneb Frantové a bařtipáni
Rychlík do Ostravy
Václav Snábl
Zlé pondělí
Czechoslovakian film.
Zadržitelný vzestup Artura Uie
Great Solitude
In southern Moravia, in the native village of Velka Samota, a ministry official returns from Prague to lift the declining JZD he helped establish.
Taková láska
Guard in the park
Mezi nebem a zemí
죽음의 발명품
Pirate Captain
야심으로 가득 찬 아티거스는 상상을 초월한 막강한 폭발물을 발명한 천재 발명가 박사와 그의 조수를 그의 섬에 납치하고 그 폭발물의 힘을 빌려 세계를 위협하려 한다. 박사의 조수는 아티거스의 계략을 눈치채고 섬에서 도망치려 하지만 뜻밖의 일들에 휩싸이게 된다. 쥘 베른의 원작 소설을 카렐 제만의 독특한 상상력으로 새롭게 재탄생시킨 작품으로 라이브 액션과 애니메이션으로 조합된 그만의 순수한 스타일이 처음으로 드러난 작품이다. 이런 독특한 스타일은 20세기 초반 프랑스의 영화감독 조르주 멜리어스(Georges Melies)의 무성영화들과 소설가 쥘 베른의 첫 번째 책에 그림을 그려 넣었던 프랑스의 화가들, 리옹(Rion)과 베넷(Bennet) 의 영향을 받았다. 1958 브뤼셀 엑스포-58 장편부분 그랑프리 수상. 1958 프랑스 영화 아카데미 국제 그랑프리 수상.
I Dutifully Report
obrst Schröder
A comedy based on the novel of Jaroslav Hašek's The Good Soldier Svejk happens during the World War I. I Dutifully Report: In the introduction to the second part of the film adaptation of Hašek's novel The Good Soldier Švějk presents his main character Josef Švejk. With the distinctive traditional Czech cartoon character of a soldier Svejk, this time you meet on the way to the front and eventually right in the firing line. You can look at his famous train events, and also probably the most famous episode of the novel, Švejk's Budějovice anabasis. Don't miss the scene with the secretly bought cognac, the episode with Svejk as a fake Russian prisoner of war, including the court scene, and the scene in which lieutenant Dub is caught in a brothel. Despite the criticism, Steklý's adaptation is undoubtedly the most famous and memorable at present.
Silvery Wind
Second half of the 19th century. In a small town in South Bohemia, fifth-former Jan Ratkin is living through the confusions of first love together with his classmates.
Rudá záře nad Kladnem
Strakonický dudák
district governor
The happenings in a shoe factory serve as a not very thinly veiled examination of the pros and cons of both socialism and democracy.
Ještě svatba nebyla...
Kavárna na hlavní třídě
The Magical Hat
Early Days
Early Days follows the early life of famous Czech writer Alois Jirásek. Jirásek had already developed his own view of the history of the Czech nation while he was at grammar school in Broumov. When he becomes the supply teach in Litomyšl, he has already written his first book and a number of poems. The local dignitaries await the arrival of the young writer in excited anticipation. Jirásek, however, is sickened by the empty patriotism from the depths of his soul and soon becomes disagreeable to the notables. The district sheriff tries to remove Jirásek from the school and drive him out of town. Unable to do this, the sheriff appoints a pro-Austrian headmaster who attempts to sabotage Jirásek. The students stand behind Jirásek , however, and discontent is not only felt in Litomyšl but throughout Bohemia.
Vstanou noví bojovníci
Poslední výstřel
Případ dr. Kováře
Veliká příležitost
Pan Habětín odchází
Cold War Spy FIlm
director of the insurance company
O ševci Matoušovi
A Dead Man among the Living
Malá historie
Tři knoflíky
Všední událost
Nejvýnosnější prodej
V cizím revíru