Mahmoud Hemida

Mahmoud Hemida

출생 : 1953-12-07, Cairo, Egypt


Mahmoud Hemida is an Egyptian film and television actor.

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Mahmoud Hemida
Mahmoud Hemida

참여 작품

The People of the Cave
The epic tale of three people who wake up from their long sleep after three centuries, to find themselves in a different time other than the one in which they lived before, as they struggle to deal with this unrecognizable world.
Matrah Matrouh
Set during the 1940s in Egypt, where an accident causes an Egyptian employee and his family to be in danger during the outbreak of some war, and soon, a conflict erupts between the family and the foreign forces.
Mohamed Ramadan
the Atheist
The events deal with the idea of ​​religious extremism and atheism affecting young people and its impact on society.
El Kahen
The events revolve around the journalist Fairouz, who suffers from her husband's psychological issues, and as a mysterious murder occurs, the couple's life turns upside down.
Ritsa: Three Colors of Love
Haddad the Egyptian captain returns home after a journey of exile for more than fifty years to search for the remnants of adolescence and face many dramatic lines and people who are different in character in an exciting intertwining of human relations between all
The Knower
The film tackles cybercrime through the story of Younis, a man who lives with his wife and their baby girl, as he decides to rob a bank through the internet, but then finds himself chased by a dangerous gang.
Al Ghasala
Omar 60
The fictional story of an advanced washing machine that's also a time-traveling machine. However, what it truly offers is conflicts and ironies upon its users.
Poisonous Roses
Set in the confines of an impoverished Cairo neighborhood, a community's everyday life is threatened by the ruthless rhythms of Tanneries, rotary driers crushing animal skin, hazards of poisonous waste water, Tahyea desperately clings to her brother, Saqr, whose only dream is to escape.
분노의 전쟁
1952년 영국이 이집트를 점령하기 전, ‘유세프 아민 엘 마즈리’는 알렉산드리아에 인접한 카라무즈에서 경찰서장을 맡고 있다. 어느 날, 한 소녀가 영국 군인들에게 참혹한 일을 당하는 사건이 벌어진다. 영국군 책임자 ‘아담 프랭크’ 장군은 ‘유세프’에게 사건을 은폐하라 명령하지만, ‘유세프’는 그의 명령을 거역하며 상황이 악화된다. 주위의 동료들이 하나 둘 씩 목숨을 잃고, ‘유세프’는 자신의 신념과 현실 사이에서 갈등하기 시작하는데...
마흐무드의 복사 가게
인쇄업계에서 은퇴한 마흐무드는 작은 복사 가게를 운영하며 살아간다. 이따금 손님들이 맡기는 문서 복사나 타이핑 작업으로 소소한 수입을 얻고, 가게 앞에 앉아 거리와 이웃들의 삶을 지켜보는 게 그의 주요 일과다. 어느 학생이 맡긴 문서를 통해 공룡의 멸종에 대해 알게 된 마흐무드는 자신의 삶과 멸종된 공룡 사이에 비슷한 점들을 발견하게 된다. 이대로 멸종되어 사라져 갈 삶의 방식을, 우울한 현실을 바꾸고 싶다는 일념에 용기를 낸 그는 규칙적이고 안온했던 지금까지의 일상을 벗어나기로 한다. 건물주의 부당함에 맞서기도 하고, 다양한 이웃사촌들과 부대끼며 새로운 활기를 찾아가는 마흐무드의 삶에, 크고 작은 사건들과 함께 예기치 못한 사랑이 다가온다.
One of the Days
The movie revolves in a romantic frame where intertwining love stories take place in conjunction with the travel of a number of passengers on board a tour bus traveling between Cairo and Mansoura.
A Day for Women
The opening of a new swimming pool is the talk of the town – particularly because Sunday has been announced as a day for women.
Nawara works as a housemaid for a family closely linked to the Mubarak regime. On the eve of the 2011 revolution the family decides, for safety, to leave the country temporarily and ask her to look after the villa. Flush with cash for expenses, Nawara calls her fiancé Mustafa and the two are soon enjoying a taste of life at the top. Her journey from the alleys of her poor neighborhood to the luxury compound brings with it the worries of the people and their simple dreams—and an experience she could never have imagined.
Born to a Man
An aspiring boxer Adham is thriving to become a successful professional. He falls in love with a girl, Mai, living in a slum, who suffers from her thug brother's possessive personality. Adham and his dad's lives turn torrid when Mai's brother knows of their affair.
Dr. Sherif who works as a plastic surgeon, gets to know a young lady whom he falls in love with. But when he is introduced to her single mum he falls in love with her instead. Trying his best ways to get her attention.
Qet And Far
Abbas El Qet
Hamada gets involved in a furious conflict with the minister of interior affairs with all the power he has, as he searches for his mother, who does simple daily jobs to provide for her family. Through the conflict, Hamada discovers how big the gap between him -and others of his social status.
The film is set inside one of Cairo's slums, where a group of outlaws sit on top of the social hierarchy, running a country inside the country, and having control over the majority of the town's poor and helpless locals.
These Days
سالم عبيد
A well-known intellectual is married to a woman who is obsessed with his wealth and power. He brings in a retired police officer to help him write his latest book. In the ensuing events, an affairir develops between the police officer and the professor’s wife.
Shehata's Shop
Shehata is the son of a modest gardener who saved all his money to open a fruit stand and named it after his favorite son. Shehata's siblings get so jealous of their brother and plot against him. A representation of the downfall of society and its decaying morals.
은밀한 고백
TV쇼 호스트 '헤바'. 그녀의 쇼는 정치적 이슈를 주로 다룬다. 그녀의 남편 '카림'은 정부산하로 운영되는 신문사의 편집부 임원이다. 그의 야망은 편집장으로 승진하는 것. 그는 회사에서의 입지를 점점 굳혀가고 있지만, 늘 정부정책의 반대에 선 그의 아내의 쇼가 발목을 잡는다. 그는 자신의 아내에게 당분간만이라도 정치적 이슈가 아닌 소소한 가십거리로 방송을 꾸며가는건 어떻겠냐며 제안한다. 그녀는 남편을 위해 이집트에 살고 있는 여성들의 소소한 이야기로 토크쇼를 진행해가기로 한다. 그런데 시작되는 그녀들의 이야기는 곧 사회적 정치적억압속에 살고 있는 이집트 여성들의 이야기로 엮어져 가는데...
Youm Ma Itqabelna
تدور أحداث الفيلم حول "يوسف" من الطبقة المتوسطة ويسكن في حي شعبي ولكنه يعشق التمثيل الذي عمل به ثم اصبح ممثلا مشهورا وعندما يعود إلي الحارة لزيارة اسرته يلتقي مع حبه القديم ويسترجع الذكريات الجميلة.
Sorry to Disturb
Salah Eddin Zeidan
Hassan, a brilliant aviation engineer struggles with loneliness and depression while trying to design his exceptional project.
The Baby Doll Night
Hossam, an Egyptian tour guide working in the US, comes to Egypt on vacation during New Year's Eve and hopes to spend a romantic night with his wife in their hotel. Unbeknownst to him, Awadain the terrorist who has other plans for the hotel that night.
Double Faces
Executive Producer
Mahmoud is a professor of acting, who lives an isolated life, a shift in his personality occurs when he discovers the betrayal of his wife with a young man, and meets a young actress who tries to make him live a different life.
Double Faces
Doctor Mahmoud Abdel Salam
Mahmoud is a professor of acting, who lives an isolated life, a shift in his personality occurs when he discovers the betrayal of his wife with a young man, and meets a young actress who tries to make him live a different life.
I Love Cinema
A child who loves the cinema struggles with a fanatic dad who finds everything (including cinema) a sin, and a mother who is sexually repressed.
알렉산드리아... 뉴욕
Yehia (old)
An enthralling look at the relationship between America and the Arab World from an Arab perspective. It tells the story of Yehia, a renowned Egyptian filmmaker whose life has been shaped by a pair of disrupted love affairs, one with an American woman named Ginger, the other with America itself.
Closed Doors
During the Gulf War, Fatma works as a maid for a wealthy man, and her son Mohammed is suffering from oppression by his teacher Mansour, who's having an affair with Fatima, taking advantage of her difficult circumstances. Mohammad gets drawn to extremist religious world led by Sheikh Khalid.
영원한 사랑
첫눈에 반해 결혼까지 한 아담과 하나네. 그들은 미칠 듯이 서로를 사랑한다. 보잘것없는 집안 출신의 저널리스트인 하나네는 국민의 돈으로 호위호식하는 부유층 엘리트를 비판하는 글을 쓰고 있다. 부패가 만연한 가운데 미국의 관심사는 관광사업의 이익을 차지하는 것. 아담의 부모는 그들과 깊은 관련을 맺고 있다. 아들을 지나치게 사랑하는 아담의 어머니 마가렛은 아들에 대한 소유욕을 버리지 못하고 하나네를 제거하려고 하지만 아내를 향한 아담의 깊은 사랑은 그녀의 계획을 무산시킨다. 아담은 자신의 부모가 선호하는 지구촌화와 국제적 은행의 탐욕, 그리고 이런 시스템들과 광신도적인 정치적 극단주의자와의 연계에서 부정적인 영향을 알게 된다. 그 격랑에 함께 해항하는 아담과 하나네. 하지만 새로운 세계 질서를 얻기 위해서 그들은 값비싼 희생을 치러야만 한다.
National Security
In the world of intelligence and international terrorism, Samiha performs a dangerous espionage operation in Switzerland under supervision of the Egyptian Intelligence, but in the same time she is a double agent, working simultaneously with the Mossad.
Fallen Angels' Paradise
Tabel abandons his luxurious family life in favor of a bohemian life with his eccentric marginalized friends. When Tabel dies, his daughter attempts to give him a decent burial, but his friends take the corpse away to bid him farewell in their own way.
Fallen Angels' Paradise
Tabl / Moneer Rasmi
Tabel abandons his luxurious family life in favor of a bohemian life with his eccentric marginalized friends. When Tabel dies, his daughter attempts to give him a decent burial, but his friends take the corpse away to bid him farewell in their own way.
Al Mansour, The Caliph
이 영화는 아랍이 안달루시아를 지배했던 12세기를 배경으로 스페인의 코르도바에 살았던 모슬림 철학자인 아베로에스의 실화를 다룬다. 아베로에스는 아리스토텔레스의 추종자로서 당대 아리스토텔레스 철학에 대한 권위 있는 주석들을 내놓았는데, 이슬람 근본주의자들은 인간적이며 합리적인 철학을 전파하려는 그의 활동을 자신들의 종교적 교리에 반하는 행위로 간주한다. 근본주의자들의 억압으로 인해 결국 그의 모든 책들이 소각 당하게 되지만, 그의 학생들에 의해 복사된 아리스토텔레스 철학에 대한 주석들은 이집트로 몰래 보내져 현대 서양철학의 초석을 다지는데 중요한 역할을 하게 된다.
Instead of celebrating her doctorate in pharmacy, Nada was surprised that she was accused of killing her professor before he revealed her to a dangerous secret, and indeed the police chase her to arrest her after escaping from the prison vehicle that overturned during her deportation, and at that time she tries to prove her innocence of killing her professor. See I succeed in that?
The Asphalt Kings
A raucous and amazingly irreverent look at contemporary Cairo, THE ASPHALT KING centers on Sayed, a swaggering cabdriver and (to his mind) born womanizer. Embroiled in a torrid affair with a buxom neighbor, Sayed pays his best friend Ringo to keep the neighbor's barber husband busy -- but the husband, as well as Ringo, Sayed's mother, father, sister and grandfather, have their own amorous intrigues brewing. Director Oussama Fawzi has been hailed as the brightest young director to have recently emerged in Egyptian cinema.
Abou Zeid of His Time
Ghada is a romantic girl who belongs to a wealthy family. Abu Zeid loves her university colleague who comes to marry her, but her rich uncle who lives with him after her parents' death refuses him because he is poor. But Ghada insists on marrying Abu Zeid against her desire.
Very Hot Day
A young man who lives abroad, returns to his country Egypt after an absence of 8 years on that very hot day, to spend a short vacation to visit his family in Cairo while calling one of his friends Telefonia is exposed to steal her bag, to chase the thief and get the bag, but he can not find the girl and pick up the name and telephone number Inside the bag ..
A Woman Shook the Throne of Egypt
مصطفى عبدالحميد يسري
King Farouk finds himself enraged to carry out the British orders to appoint Mustafa El-Nahas as head of the ministry. During his journey to Qassas, he gets injured in a collision. He learns about the doctor Yusuf Rashad and his wife Noha. He admires women and follows her to work in the palace as a writer. , Especially after the husband is commissioned to form the Iron Guard, through which is discovered both the officer Istahter Mustafa Kemal and officer Anwar Sadat. Noha is separated from her husband and expelled by the king. She becomes a mistress for Mustafa Kemal. Calling for standing against the king, and working to form a secret cell with the Free Officers who help them to save the revolution from the dangers.
Few love a lot of violence
The story revolves around the engineer Talaat, the son of the wealthy merchant (Morsi), who is forced to marry the poor girl Fatima in response to his father's wishes. Fatima refuses to marry Sayed al-Atar, whom he loves but is poor and works at Talaat. On the control of his father, Fatima begins to separate from working with his father. Talaat learns about the engineer Yunus, the son of a senior politician who works as a deputy minister, who decides to marry his sister to achieve power, influence and money.
The Third Man
(Kamal Hussain) is a fighter pilot discharged from military service. After his wife leaves him, he works on a helicopter in an oil company. A big drug dealer tries to lure him to transfer a major shipment, while he informs his boss at work , cooperating with the drug dealer in order to implicate him.
Disco Disco
In a mixed high school, Sayed Abu Dahab leads a group of students who spend their nights at the disco,spreading among them addiction and customary marriage, and their school principal tries to fix things.
Strawberry War
Fardous, nicknamed Farawla, sells flowers on the street, she falls in love with a poor man who sells apples. One day a rich man sees them and decides to give them money in exchange for giving him happiness.
Women Market
The journalist Nadia investigates the suicide of a girl in a house of ill fame, especially since the sister of the suicide girl rejects the fact that her sister was a prostitute. Meanwhile, Officer Ahmed also tries to uncover the mystery of the incident that coincided with the disappearance of many girls, and they reveal the mastermind behind a ring that recruits girls to work in prostitution.
성서의 요셉 이야기를 이집트적인 관점에서 각색해 하나의 기발한 캐릭터 드라마로 완성했다. 이 영화에서 요셉은 램으로 불린다. 미신에 빠져있는 가족들과 형제들의 학대에 못이긴 램은 이집트로 가서 농업을 공부하려고 한다. 곧 그는 형제들과 사나이 반도를 가로질러 여행을 떠나는데, 그의 악독한 형제들은 갑자기 그를 테베의 지도자 아미하르의 부하인 이집트인 오지르에게 팔아넘긴다. 아미하르는 램의 인간미에 매료되어 그에게 시 외곽에 있는 미경작지를 하사한다. 하지만 램은 자신이 아미하르와 아문 신의 사제인 그의 아내 시미히트 사이에서 벌어지는 다툼에 볼모가 되어있음을 깨닫게 된다.
Al Basha
Yousef Joe
A police officer finds himself worthless as he soon realizes there's no way he could put an end to a businessman associated with running a prostitution ring.
The Drowned
In one of the villages on the coast of South Sinai, where the Bedouin woman suffers a beautiful \ "rose \" from the grief and pain of the death of three of her husband, to become a widow uttered by everyone and accuse them of bringing drowsiness on men !! The \ "rose \" of the Sheikh \ "Hijab \" charming village wizard to ask him advice in deciphering her feelings in the age of young, convinced by the veil to marry him to cleanse of the curses chasing and agree forced to marry the old charlatan short-blowing youth and give birth to a child dwarf The father calls him "Mabrouk" and he is known to make miracles to get rid of his wealth by exploiting the need of simple people in the works of superstition and diction..
The Gate of Satan
Hibat Allah discovers an unusual activity involving the circulation of fake dollars of which her husband is taking part. When she reports it to the police, she gets framed for a crime she didn't commit and is sent to prison. She meets a woman in prison who helps her take revenge.
Warning by obedience
Fursan Akher Zaman
Wajdi Hassanein, Adel Fahmy and Tariq Mansour, three friends graduate from Alexandria University in 1967, celebrating their success at a nightclub in one of the clubs, where they drink wine and try to try to courting the girls. A quarrel ensues in which they triumph over the cabarets. They go out to complete the evening in one of the Ajami chalets owned by someone close to them , And in a deserted area next to the Chalet pick up a girl who is conducting a taxi driver was seeking to rape, and decides the seriousness of rape, died of shock shock and get rid of the three of them thrown in the sea,
Directed by Inas Al Degheidy.
Clash of wives
Life seems impossible between the wealthy and successful businessman Said and his wife Souad, despite having their only daughter Dounia, and decides to separate. At the same time, Souad continues to search for a new source of livelihood.
Dilapidated Woman
A hooker decides to repent after she gets married and gives birth, but when she discovers that her husband is an addict, she convinces two of her friends to steal some jewelry, but things do not go well after the apartment owner and her child were killed during the robbery. Making her accused of a crime she didn't commit.
Wild Desire
A widow living with her daughter and sister-in-law attempt to forget a scandal committed by her late husband.
The Ruthless
In Alexandria, a family of three brothers, the first Hammam, head of a drug trafficking gang under the guise of a transport office inside the port, succeeds in attracting his little brother Khamis to the narcotics trade, while their sister Fatima rejects this illegal route, objects to their criminal trade and remains a minor worker in the shop. Therese sells clothes .. Fatima has a love relationship with Mansour, a friend of her brother Khamis, but he has been absent from the neighborhood for many years
Knight of the City
Directed by Mohamed Khan.
The Age of Power
المرسي نوفل
Al Masateel
The events of the film revolve around a group of lost youth who meet in drug abuse sessions, each of them has a story, but they share one event, which is the murder of one of their friends. The first (Ahmed) is sexually impotent, who believes that drugs can cure him, the second is the Bashkatib (Talaat) who has perverted in a court, and the third (Abbas) is unemployed who marries the wealthy café owner.
Shams El Zanaty
Seven Samurai adaptation directed by Samir Seif.
The Emperor
The story deals with the journey of Zinham, a young man who fled Egypt from Upper Egypt in search of a living, climbs up in organized crime and drug smuggling. His friend, Ibrahim, takes part in the crime journey. When he becomes one of the biggest drug smugglers (heroin) Who is in control of her market in Egypt in alliance with an Israeli smuggler, marries a dancer after he gets rid of Slim, the drug dealer who worked for him at the beginning of his career. He turns to liquidate everyone who stands in his way. He becomes drug addict and kills his close friend. (Ibrahim), after doubting the betrayal of his wife dancing with him.