Iva Tkalec

참여 작품

Four Seasons in a Day
Production Manager
Every day, the Carlingford ferry takes travelers from Northern Ireland to Ireland, a short sea voyage across an invisible border that invites reflection on the consequences of Brexit.
The Wire
Production Manager
The inhabitants of the canyon of river Kupa, located on the border between Croatia and Slovenia, have historically been united due to their harsh living conditions, but this peaceful cohabitation between members of different cultures is threatened by the construction of iron fences to prevent the transit of refugees from Bosnia.
레드 테일스
Extras Casting
인종 차별을 극복하고 흑인 조종사로만 이루어진 332전투 비행단의 이야기. 2차 세계대전이 한창이었지만, 여전히 흑인들은 차별대우를 받고 있었다. 비행기 조종은 꿈도 못꾸던 시대, '터스키기(Tuskegee) 훈련 프로그램'에 참여한 흑인 조종사들로만 구성된 비행단이 창설되고, 폭격기 호위라는 막중한 임무를 맡게 된다.