Solange Lackington

Solange Lackington

출생 : 1962-12-07, Santiago, Chile

프로필 사진

Solange Lackington
Solange Lackington

참여 작품

La intimidad de Lía
Nobody Knows I'm Here
Memo lives on a remote Chilean sheep farm, hiding a beautiful singing voice from the outside world. A recluse with a glittery flair, he can't stop dwelling on the past, but what will happen once someone finally listens?
The Man of the Future
Michelsen, an older trucker who is lonely and sick, while traveling through Patagonia meets someone on the highway who reminds him of his daughter, whom he has not seen in years.
Contra el Demonio
After the tragic death of her eldest son, Blanca and her family travel to the coast of Chile. Weird things happen in the new house, Blanca thinks that it is her son trying to communicate with them, but the truth is much worse. An evil spirit with a thirst for revenge is stalking them. Only the town priest can help them, but the man of the cloth is hiding a terrible secret.
Displays the experiences of diverse groups of people inside a supermarket.