Four girls graduate from high school with the hope of joining the army, even though that may clash with their parents' wishes...
After retreating from battle, a band of Mongolian soldiers take refuge in a cemetery where they are slaughtered by reanimated zombies from the netherworld. But the leader is possessed by the Devil and he levels an assault against a nearby Chinese village. Local monks cover themselves with writings from the sacred scriptures in an attempt to stop the marauding warlord and his ddemon army.
A loose youth passes the time freely until he comes across a young, female broadcaster who works at a radio station.
A jobless university graduate joins a Hell's Angels motorcycle gang to discover that they are in fact controlled by a narcotic smuggler.
An exciting story of daring guerrilla warfare.
After being beaten in a chess game by The Saint of Chess, the 13 Worms agree to grant the chess master's daring request to rescue a captive Princess.