Andreas Öhman

Andreas Öhman


Brother of physicist Henrik Öhman.

프로필 사진

Andreas Öhman

참여 작품

Lisa – a missing piece of the puzzle
In the middle of an idyll, in a noisy world, a family loses their child. A little brother loses his sister and the friends a best friend. In 1994, tragedy struck, which left the Ångermanland village in ruins. Lisa was 12, and Andreas Öhman only 9 years old.
Lisa – a missing piece of the puzzle
In the middle of an idyll, in a noisy world, a family loses their child. A little brother loses his sister and the friends a best friend. In 1994, tragedy struck, which left the Ångermanland village in ruins. Lisa was 12, and Andreas Öhman only 9 years old.
One Day All This Will Be Yours
Successful cartoonist Lisa and her siblings gather at their parents' farm for the first time in over ten years. The parents want only one of them to inherit the forest, which has been in the family's possessions for generations.
One Day All This Will Be Yours
Successful cartoonist Lisa and her siblings gather at their parents' farm for the first time in over ten years. The parents want only one of them to inherit the forest, which has been in the family's possessions for generations.
Eternal Summer
"Eternal Summer" is a road movie full of dreams, love, missteps and lawlessness. When Isak and Em meet one night in Stockholm they're finally in the right place, suddenly there is nothing else. Together, they leave everything and embarks on a roadtrip through the northern forests of Sweden. But what begins as a crazy adventure soon turns into a dangerous game. Eventually they reach a point when there is no turning back.
Eternal Summer
"Eternal Summer" is a road movie full of dreams, love, missteps and lawlessness. When Isak and Em meet one night in Stockholm they're finally in the right place, suddenly there is nothing else. Together, they leave everything and embarks on a roadtrip through the northern forests of Sweden. But what begins as a crazy adventure soon turns into a dangerous game. Eventually they reach a point when there is no turning back.
Eternal Summer
"Eternal Summer" is a road movie full of dreams, love, missteps and lawlessness. When Isak and Em meet one night in Stockholm they're finally in the right place, suddenly there is nothing else. Together, they leave everything and embarks on a roadtrip through the northern forests of Sweden. But what begins as a crazy adventure soon turns into a dangerous game. Eventually they reach a point when there is no turning back.
Eternal Summer
"Eternal Summer" is a road movie full of dreams, love, missteps and lawlessness. When Isak and Em meet one night in Stockholm they're finally in the right place, suddenly there is nothing else. Together, they leave everything and embarks on a roadtrip through the northern forests of Sweden. But what begins as a crazy adventure soon turns into a dangerous game. Eventually they reach a point when there is no turning back.
Lisa's life is a movie. Everything she experiences she captures on film. Recording every memory, every step, everyone she meets. As Martin's and Lisa's relationship fall apart, the exhibitionist Lucas makes an entrance in the view-finder.
Lisa's life is a movie. Everything she experiences she captures on film. Recording every memory, every step, everyone she meets. As Martin's and Lisa's relationship fall apart, the exhibitionist Lucas makes an entrance in the view-finder.
Bitch Hug
Kristin counts down the days to her high school graduation, when she'll finally get to leave her small town and her manipulative sister behind, for the New York of her dreams. Everything is perfect, and the local paper has promised to publish Kristin's columns about the city that never sleeps. But Kristin misses her flight and, to escape total humiliation, instead ends up hiding out at the house of the peculiar young girl Andrea, far out on the countryside. In this house of Nowhere, Kristin brings Andrea along to the pulsating heart of New York on a big virtual adventure which she chronicles for everyone at home to follow. But then reality comes knocking.
Bitch Hug
Kristin counts down the days to her high school graduation, when she'll finally get to leave her small town and her manipulative sister behind, for the New York of her dreams. Everything is perfect, and the local paper has promised to publish Kristin's columns about the city that never sleeps. But Kristin misses her flight and, to escape total humiliation, instead ends up hiding out at the house of the peculiar young girl Andrea, far out on the countryside. In this house of Nowhere, Kristin brings Andrea along to the pulsating heart of New York on a big virtual adventure which she chronicles for everyone at home to follow. But then reality comes knocking.
심플 사이먼
열여덟 살 사이먼은 대인관계와 사회생활에 적응하지 못하는 아스퍼거 증후군 환자이다. 사이먼이 제대로 생활하려면 매일 똑같은 시간표, 매일 똑같은 옷, 요일마다 똑같은 식사메뉴 등 일정한 패턴이 필요하다. 사이먼의 형, 샘은 짜증 한 번 내지 않고 그런 사이먼을 언제나 돌보아준다. 그런데 어느 날, 샘이 여자 친구에게 차이면서 사이먼의 생활도 뒤죽박죽이 되어버린다. 다시 예전처럼 지내고 싶은 사이먼은 샘을 원래대로 되돌리는 미션에 돌입하는데, 그것은 바로 샘에게 새 여자 친구를 만들어 주는 것이다. 사이먼은 사랑에 대해 아무 것도 모르고 이성 간의 감정에 대해서도 이해하지 못하지만, 철저하게 과학적인 원리에 따라 실패할 염려가 없는 계획을 세운다.
심플 사이먼
열여덟 살 사이먼은 대인관계와 사회생활에 적응하지 못하는 아스퍼거 증후군 환자이다. 사이먼이 제대로 생활하려면 매일 똑같은 시간표, 매일 똑같은 옷, 요일마다 똑같은 식사메뉴 등 일정한 패턴이 필요하다. 사이먼의 형, 샘은 짜증 한 번 내지 않고 그런 사이먼을 언제나 돌보아준다. 그런데 어느 날, 샘이 여자 친구에게 차이면서 사이먼의 생활도 뒤죽박죽이 되어버린다. 다시 예전처럼 지내고 싶은 사이먼은 샘을 원래대로 되돌리는 미션에 돌입하는데, 그것은 바로 샘에게 새 여자 친구를 만들어 주는 것이다. 사이먼은 사랑에 대해 아무 것도 모르고 이성 간의 감정에 대해서도 이해하지 못하지만, 철저하게 과학적인 원리에 따라 실패할 염려가 없는 계획을 세운다.
심플 사이먼
열여덟 살 사이먼은 대인관계와 사회생활에 적응하지 못하는 아스퍼거 증후군 환자이다. 사이먼이 제대로 생활하려면 매일 똑같은 시간표, 매일 똑같은 옷, 요일마다 똑같은 식사메뉴 등 일정한 패턴이 필요하다. 사이먼의 형, 샘은 짜증 한 번 내지 않고 그런 사이먼을 언제나 돌보아준다. 그런데 어느 날, 샘이 여자 친구에게 차이면서 사이먼의 생활도 뒤죽박죽이 되어버린다. 다시 예전처럼 지내고 싶은 사이먼은 샘을 원래대로 되돌리는 미션에 돌입하는데, 그것은 바로 샘에게 새 여자 친구를 만들어 주는 것이다. 사이먼은 사랑에 대해 아무 것도 모르고 이성 간의 감정에 대해서도 이해하지 못하지만, 철저하게 과학적인 원리에 따라 실패할 염려가 없는 계획을 세운다.
My Life as a Trailer
When Micke announces he has just been accepted to a music school in another town, his gal pal Julia has an announcement of her own to make: she's going to Hollywood, if she can just get the job she's interviewing for that very afternoon.
My Life as a Trailer
When Micke announces he has just been accepted to a music school in another town, his gal pal Julia has an announcement of her own to make: she's going to Hollywood, if she can just get the job she's interviewing for that very afternoon.
Hilbert, sju bokstäver
Hilbert is the master of crosswords, but now he seems to have met his superior in the neighbor Rutger.
Hilbert, sju bokstäver
Hilbert is the master of crosswords, but now he seems to have met his superior in the neighbor Rutger.
Mixtape 307
Jonas and Johanna have a cabin in the woods, where the recording mixtapes to cheer up the district's residents.
Mixtape 307
Jonas and Johanna have a cabin in the woods, where the recording mixtapes to cheer up the district's residents.