Masami Taura

Masami Taura

출생 : 1932-10-06, Kagoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2011-01-14

프로필 사진

Masami Taura

참여 작품

Kenji Sawa
Japanese "kayo" film based on the song by Tsuzuko Sugawara.
Hunting Rifle
Story of a woman, Saiko, who divorces her doctor husband when she is given a baby by a stranger who claims it is the husband's child. Saiko embarks on an affair with her cousin's husband, but a crisis threatens when she discovers that her ex-husband is about to remarry.
The Izu Dancer
Love story between a student and girl whose parents are itinerant entertainers. Set in Japan in the 1920's.
One Step to Happiness
The Adorable Trio
Kentaro Tada
Japanese romantic comedy film.
Love du Jour
The proprietress of a long-established sushi restaurant in Asakusa is a war widow who has raised three children. A film that lightheartedly depicts a generational battle between a mother who is anxious about the issue of an heir and her modern children.
When It Rains, It Pours
Takenosuke Abe
Tane, the lady proprietor of an inn for amorous couples, lives there with her three children. When her eldest daughter loses her fiancé due to the fact her mother is a mistress, her despair drives her to become a cabaret hostess.
동경의 황혼
Kenji Kimura
몇해 전 아내 기쿠코가 두 딸을 남겨둔 채 애인과 가출한 뒤 스기야마는 남편과 별거 중인 큰 딸 다카코와 남자친구의 아이를 임신한 둘째 딸 아키코와 살고 있다. 두 딸은 죽은 줄로만 알았던 엄마와 재회하지만 다른 남자와 살기 위해 떠난 엄마를 용서할 수 없다.
A neighborhood labors under postwar hardships.
A Case of Honor
The obstinate black market trader Okyo lives together with her son Seitaro, who works as a mechanic for a bus company. She also looks after her son's colleague, the bus driver Fujita. When he causes an accident one day, Seitaro testifies against him due to his moral scruples, thus getting his company into trouble.
Ai to chie no wa
Totsugu Hi
Shinsaku was once a renowned playwright, has now been left behind by journalism and is living a lethargic life in Oiso. His family is concerned with Shinsaku regaining his old vigor as a writer and Sakie, his daughter, finding a suitable match, while the family is struggling with the losses of war.
이른 봄
Koichi Kitagawa
결혼 8년째를 맞아 부부생활에 권태를 느끼던 회사원 스기야마 쇼지는 어느 날 샐러리맨들의 하이킹 모임에 갔다가 타이피스트로 일하는 아름답고 쾌활한 가네코 지요와 사랑에 빠진다. 남편의 외도 사실을 알게 된 아내 마사코는 집을 나가는데.. ‘결혼’과 ‘죽음’의 문제를 다룬 영화들 사이에서 가교 역할을 하는 은 오즈가 주로 다루었던 ‘부모와 자식 간의 문제’가 아닌 결혼한 부부의 헤어짐과 재결합을 다룬 작품이다. 이제까지 오즈가 주로 다루었던 주제와는 거리가 있는 이 작품은 메이저 영화사인 쇼치쿠의 의견을 수렴해 관객 취향에 부합하는 일부 성적 문제가 가미된 멜로드라마로 탄생되었지만 여전히 오즈적 영화 스타일은 고수되고 있다. 현재까지 가장 일본적인 감독으로 평가받는 오즈는 이 작품에서도 일본문화 속에 깊이 존재하는 인생의 순환에 대한 철학적인 고찰을 이어가고 있다. (from Naver 영화)
Next Door to Happiness
The Nakata family, father, mother, son Hideo, and daughters Taeko and Akiko live in the poorer section of modern Tokyo. Their troubles start when the father leaves with another woman, returns after he is rejected, and leaves again with the family's money.
The Tattered Wings
A young widow, made world weary by her abusive, neglectful husband, finds herself in a minor scandal when she's seen with her intense, no-nonsense childhood sweetheart.
Mother's Ambition
The Kumakichi Ishida family lived happily in a small house in Shibuya while their mansion in Azabu was requisitioned by the occupation forces. When the residence is released to them, Mrs. Ishida wants to turn it into a Western style hotel to recoup their fortunes, but returns to Shibuya, swindled and sober.
Every Wife Cannot Stand Still
Jiro Sakurai
A Woman's Life
Makoto Musuko, Nobuko's son
Somewhere Beneath the Wide Sky
Mr. Mitsui, Noboru's friend
This drama of middle-class life in postwar Japan tells the story lower-middle-class workers in the city of Kawasaki, and their troubles and travails.
Historical drama about two samurai who fight over everything yet unite together to fight an evil lord.
The Garden of Women
Yoshikazu Sagara
A student at a woman's university takes a controversial action against the school's old-fashioned doctrines.
일본의 비극
Haruko's son
전쟁 미망인 하루코는 아타미의 여관에서 하녀로 일하며 두 아이를 훌륭하게 키우기 위해 온갖 괴로움을 마다하지 않았다. 그 결과 지금은 딸 우타코를 양재학교와 영어학원에, 아들 세이치를 도쿄의 의과대학에 보내고 있다. 하지만 하루코의 고생을 이해하지 못하는 자식들은 어머니를 차가운 눈으로 바라본다. 세이치가 유복한 의사의 양자로 들어가겠다고 하고, 우타코가 영어 교사와 눈이 맞아 도망가자, 하루코는 절망에 빠진다.