In a moment of cowardice, Detective Carl Mørck sends Rose, his junior colleague in Department Q, to the remote Danish island of Bornholm to answer his old colleague Christian Habersaat's repeated requests. But during his forced retirement ceremony Christian kills himself sending Rose into a journey deep into her own traumatic past. Later, Department Q are embroiled into an old cold case of a girl found dead hanging in a tree.
Way up north in Greenland lives 12-year-old Lucia with her mother and her father, who is best known as Father Christmas. Lucia is the first girl ever in Santa class at the international Christmas School. On the day that the present machine is supposed to be started for this year’s present production, Lucia’s best friend, the reindeer herder Oscar, is accused of stealing King Winter’s magical crystal that fuels the present machine. Claudia, Lucia’s mother who has long been wary of the crude Oscar, tries to prevent Lucia from ruining her future career by defending the seemingly guilty boy. But Lucia is determined to fight injustice and escapes with Oscar to prove his innocence by finding the real thief.
집단학살에 관한 연구를 진행 중인 4명의 커리어우먼. 어느날 그들의 목숨을 위협하는 협박 메일이 도착한다. 익명의 발신인은 대체 누구인가! 아무도 믿을 수 없는 상황 속에서 네 사람의 관계는 위태롭게 흘러가고 마침내 완벽했던 그들의 모습 뒤에 숨겨진 충격적인 진실이 드러난다.
브릿마리는 매사에 정확하고 깔끔하지 않으면 견디지 못하는 성격의 인물이다. 그런 그녀가 남편의 불륜을 알아차리고 홧김에 집을 박차고 나온다. 그녀는 무작정 재취업 알선센터를 찾아가 '보르그'라는 시골 지역의 레크리에이션 센터 관리인으로 취직하는데 성공한다. 열악한 환경과 어처구니 없는 일들이 연속으로 일어나는 곳이지만, 브릿마리는 변함없이 제 할 일을 다한다. 결국, 브릿마리도 보르그도 완전히 달라지게 된다.
A story about three people chasing life and each other. Laura is on her way to a porn film casting. Niklas is trying to take care of two men with Down’s Syndrome, and Frederik is out to gain respect as a hooligan. In glimpses and fragments of past and present, we follow the three characters on a journey full of taboos and desires.
A movie that aims to deliver a simple message about the dangers of solar use, designed as an 80s horror teen movie directed by Christian E. Christiansen for the benefit of Kræftens Bekæmpelse and the TrygFondens Sluk Solariet campaign in 2015.
경찰 자선파티 후 칼(니콜라이 리 카스)에게 취객이 찾아와 왜 자신의 편지를 무시하느냐는 항의를 받는다. 대수롭지 않게 취객을 보낸 칼. 2시간후 취객은 변사체로 발견이 되고, 이 사람이 20년전 토마스와 마리 살인사건의 아버지였다는 사실이 알려진다. 당시 고등학생이던 토마스와 마리 남매가 무참히 살해 당한 이 사건은 비야네 토헨슨이 자진 출석해 종료 된 듯 보였으나, 이들의 아버지가 그간 조사해놓은 자료들이 발견되면서 사건은 재조명 받기 시작한다. 당시 사건을 재조사하자, 재벌 2세 및 정치계 거물이 연루되어 있음이 밝혀지면서 사건은 탄력이 받지만, 갑자기 경찰 총장으로 부터 칼의 보직변경 명령이 내려지면서 수사는 점점 어려워지는데...
Alexander is about to embark upon a life of forced independence. Almost 18, he’s just finished school and it’s time for him to move on from the sheltered security of his mother’s home. Diagnosed with autism, he will have to learn even the most menial of tasks: shopping, clipping his nails, tying his own shoes. “No,” says Alexander, when asked if he knows what autism means. “Does my mum also say that I’m autistic? I can’t figure out if I am autistic or not.” Naïvely trying to bond, as if Alexander’s condition could magically disappear, his older brother Sebastian invites him on an exciting adventure: a five-day, boys-only trip to Barcelona, complete with a soccer game, men’s-only magazines, a strip club and endless hours together on the road. But in this touching and often lighthearted portrait, good intentions are overcome by reality and excitement may soon turn to frustration.