Michalis Moschoutis

참여 작품

Original Music Composer
그리스 북쪽의 외딴 숲속에 사는 니키타스에게 20년 동안 떨어져 지낸 아들이 찾아온다. 숲의 수호자로서, 환경을 파괴하는 기업에 힘겹게 맞서온 그는 자기 지분의 재산을 요구하는 아들과 또 다른 싸움을 벌여야 한다.
Original Music Composer
Performance for 4 mobile 16mm projectors, a triple screen, and a spatialized sound diffusion. Parallax – an effect by which the position of an object seems to change when it is looked at from different positions. Working on the concept of geometry and space in the cinema, from the planar space of the photogram to the stage of its representation, this project reveals a multi-faceted object. The different surfaces that circumscribe the screen, the movement of projectors on rails, the changes in projection angles and the simultaneous visions. Parallaxe emphasizes the transport of images and their ability to modify the perception that we have on a same reality. Associated with Michalis Moschoutis' direct sounding device, Nominoë's graphic images are deconstructed and their virtualities increased tenfold. Spatial sound diffusion immerses the audience in this multidimensional device, at once a movie set, movie theater and film.