Follows Tariq and Cai, two best friends who work together at a zoo, but their friendship is challenged when Tariq plans to steal animals from the zoo and sell them to save his sister from an abusive marriage.
Follows Tariq and Cai, two best friends who work together at a zoo, but their friendship is challenged when Tariq plans to steal animals from the zoo and sell them to save his sister from an abusive marriage.
Follows Tariq and Cai, two best friends who work together at a zoo, but their friendship is challenged when Tariq plans to steal animals from the zoo and sell them to save his sister from an abusive marriage.
Executive Producer
배트맨, 슈퍼맨, 원더우먼, 인어공주, 초록닌자, 1980몇년 우주인, 미켈란젤로, 미켈란젤로 닌자거북이, 2002 NBA 올스타 등등등. 이들 마스터 빌더 사이에서 희망으로 선택된 평범한 미니피겨! 그의 작고 노란 손에 레고 세계의 운명이 달렸다!