Gergely Riba

참여 작품

The Last Night - Beyond Good and Evil
Two security guards are holding a job interview in their downstairs office at a prominent club in Budapest while the Saturday night party is at full blast upstairs. A former arm-wrestling champion, Jani is applying to become a bouncer. The interview backfires and shortly afterwards a drunk girl falls victim of an incident on the dance floor. The stakes become higher when it turns out who she really is.
The Last Night - Beyond Good and Evil
Two security guards are holding a job interview in their downstairs office at a prominent club in Budapest while the Saturday night party is at full blast upstairs. A former arm-wrestling champion, Jani is applying to become a bouncer. The interview backfires and shortly afterwards a drunk girl falls victim of an incident on the dance floor. The stakes become higher when it turns out who she really is.
Az Út Végén
MOONSHINE - A Karma to Burn
A seemingly regular day of the drifter 'Moonshine', wanted by the police, who's trying to to get along by working as a hired hand. Little does he know how this day will differ from the others, thanks to two unexpected encounters.
A naprendszer legkisebb bolygója
A small-time crook robs a thread shop and the owner decides to chase down the culprit herself, whatever the cost.
블레이드 러너 2049
Set Production Assistant
인간과 리플리컨트가 혼재된 2049년. 인간의 통제를 벗어난 리플리컨트를 쫓는 블레이드 러너 K는 임무 수행 도중 약 30년 전 여자 리플리컨트의 유골을 발견하고 충격적으로 출산의 흔적까지 찾아낸다. 리플리컨트가 출산까지 가능하다는 사실이 알려지면사회에 큰 혼란이 야기되므로 이를 덮으려는 경찰 조직과, 그 비밀의 단서를 찾아내 더욱 완벽한 리플리컨트를 거느리고 세상을 장악하기 위해 K를 쫓는 니안더 월레스. 리플리컨트의 숨겨진 진실에 접근할수록 점차 정체성의 혼란을 겪게 되는 K는 과거 블레이드 러너였던 릭 데커드를 만나 전혀 상상치 못한 진실을 마주하게 되는데...