Artyom Gaydukov

Artyom Gaydukov

출생 : 1985-10-06, USSR

프로필 사진

Artyom Gaydukov

참여 작품

Land of Legends
red warrior
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
Свободное кино. Фестиваль короткометражных фильмов
Wait a Minute
The life of an ordinary promoter Oleg, who advertises a Chinese rejuvenating hand cream in a shopping center, turns into hell after a man begins to pursue him and demand to return him the time that Oleg took him to advertise the cream.
블랙아웃: 인베이젼 어스
가까운 미래, 어느 날 평화로웠던 어느 거대 도시는 갑자기 전 세계와의 통신이 두절되는 초유의 사태를 겪는다. 도시 밖으로 한 걸음만 나가도 전기를 비롯한 일체의 시설이 작동하지 않고, 심지어 전 세계 인류의 생사조차 불분명한 상황. 사태의 원인을 규명하고 생존자를 찾고자 탐색에 나선 특수부대는 그곳에서 충격적인 장면을 목격하는데... 꺼지지 않은 단 1%의 인류는 생존의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것인가!
A Frenchman
district militia officer
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and photographer Valera Uspenskiy. With them he discovers the cultural side of Moscow — not just the traditional one, but the underground one as well. During his year in Russia’s capital Pierre lives an entirely different life than what he’s used to. But the internship and the experience of the Soviet people’s way of life are not the only things Pierre is after. He’s searching for his father, White officer Tatishchev, who was arrested in the 1930s.
The Foundling
Family film about the adventures of a lost girl in Moscow. The world of the megalopolis is dangerous, but the five-year-old Natasha is so sincere and trusting about others that when meeting her, they change for the better. This is a story about a child and modern Moscow, told in the language of the current generation and continuing the traditions of good domestic cinema.
타임 워프 워
채석장을 짓기 위해 공사를 진행하려던 미카일은 유해 발굴을 위해 공사를 중단해달라고 부탁하는 엘리자베타에게 첫눈에 반한다. 하지만 둘은 공사 담당자의 실수로 큰 부상을 입고, 미카일은 과거로 돌아가게 된다. 그 곳에서 전쟁을 겪으며 주변의 군인들이 자신과 연관이 있음을 알게되는데…
유럽 정복을 위해 러시아를 침략한 칭기즈 칸의 손자, 바투 칸. 하지만 단 십수 명의 인원으로 이들의 앞을 막아선 자들이 있다. 전설과도 같은 러시아의 인물, 콜로브라트의 싸움이 시작된다.
Courier from 'Paradise'
A funny story about the Moscow policemen travel to a small town.